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I didn't realize that Amy could look so good!

She was super toned, especially in the butt department, and when she walked out of her house I felt something spark inside me.

She's a cutie with a booty, ain't she? I thought as she waved and walked up to me.

"Hi knight!" She greeted cheerfully.

I snapped out of my thoughts and waved. "H-hi shortie."

I watched as her innocent eyes looked me up and down and took that as my chance to do some looking of my own. I took in every curve of her body, making sure not to stare too long or else she'd notice, and smiled at her little Timberlands that looked like less than half the size of mine.

"You look nice!" Amy complimented once she got close to me.

I smirked and did a last sweep of her body. "So do you." I opened the passenger door and bowed. "Your chariot awaits."

Once she got in with a little bit of struggle and I closed the door for her, I ran over to the driver's side of the car, giving myself a pep talk as I did. When I found a good song on the radio that Amy seemed to like as well, we sang to it and I was probably the happiest man at that moment. I loved doing anything with her, it didn't matter what, and when I could feel her love of singing mix with mine, I was on top of the world.

After she sang a song for me I pulled into the driveway of the house and felt a rush of anxiety flood into my chest. I didn't like the fact that Amy was looking as hot as she was with a bunch of horny teenage boys and girls around. She could fight them off, or outrun them, but I didn't want anyone to even think about Amy in any sexual way. I wanted her to be mine and every single straight guy and lesbian was a threat to me.

I hope Amy doesn't like girls. I can't compete with them. I thought to myself as I opened the door for Samantha, Xander, and Amy.

As soon as I entered I realized why I didn't like parties. I wrapped my arm around Amy's waist and pulled her close to my body. I bent down next to her ear.

"Stay close to me, okay shortie?" I said.

She nodded and walked with me to the dance floor. I made sure to look scary so the people who were going to flirt with her (there were a lot) stayed clear. Once we found a spot that wasn't filled with obnoxious dancers Amy's favorite song came on. She squealed and moved away from me before she started dancing.

I felt my eyes widen as her hips swayed from side to side, the movement hypnotic. I felt as people slowly stopped dancing and looked at the little dancer in the center. They all started to move away, leaving me to stand by her, and cheered her along.

"Sweet little unforgettable thing!" She sang as she pulled me closer to her.

I realized that she wanted me to dance with her but since I wasn't sure of her comfort level, I didn't touch her as I matched her movements. Eventually she looked up at me and smiled.

"You don't have to be so awkward, Max," she said teasingly.

I smirked and placed my hands in her very small waist.

I matched her as she swayed, my mind getting dirtier every second we did. By the time she started to grind on me, which I think was innocent and unintentional, I was so far off the deep end, Spongebob couldn't catch me. The hypnotic movements and sexy touching, that she didn't even mean to make sexy, were messing with my brain. One minute, I knew that she was just dancing, which was what she was doing, but the other minute, when I wanted to believe she like liked me, I thought she was just teasing me. She wasn't. I knew she wasn't.

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