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Really late A/N: I'm actually on the verge of tears rn guys... 20k views??? I just can't... have no words. I'm going to post this chapter for you guys since we've reached this amazing milestone!


"I'm whipped and I don't know what to do about it, dad," I groaned into the phone.

It had been a few days since the Halloween party and I realized that Amy was becoming very important in my life... more important than before. My friends liked her, her friends liked me, my family loved her, her mother loved me (her father was very overprotective so I don't think he was even close to tolerating me) and I was in love with her. Had been for God knows how many years. She was just always on my mind and I couldn't find a way the get her out, not that I really wanted to.

It was just that we were in high school, a time where everything is weird and gross and just no, so the fact that I was dating someone and having serious feelings towards them just wasn't something that seemed smart to me. Not a lot of high school relationships last after graduation, and even if they do, they don't last too much longer after that. I'd met only one couple that has lasted that long, and it was Amy's parents, and we were a lot different from them.

What would I do if Amy left me? How would I go on?

I wouldn't. That was the answer, in case you were wondering. I wouldn't go on because I'd never love anyone again. I know that sounds dramatic, and it probably is, but Amy was my one and only. She was the one I wanted to have kids with, grow old, and die with. She was my Juliet, yet I was no Romeo. She was it for me, she was what I wanted, what I needed, the reason why my heart beat.

"How do you feel about this girl, eh? Other than 'whipped'." My dad wondered.

I sighed. "La amo," (I love her.)

"Allora dille!" He exclaimed loudly. (Then tell her!)

"Sei pazzo? Lei mi lascerà." (Are you crazy? She'll leave me.)

"I don't remember raising a wimp! You've won every one of your boxing matches yet here you are scared of telling your tiny ass girlfriend that you love her. The girl is a sweetheart, of course she wouldn't leave you. She wouldn't stick with you this long if she didn't love you." He chuckled. "Besides, your mother hated me when we first met. It took her a while to love me, months after I confessed my love for her. A bunch of couples have someone confess before the other, doesn't mean they have to break up."

I sighed. "But I don't know when to tell her. It might be too soon to tell her anyway."

"How long have you liked this girl?" He asked rhetorically. I blushed, and even though he couldn't see me, I knew he knew. "Exactly. You're blushing, I can feel it through the phone. You know what-" he was interrupted by the doorbell.

"Hold that lecture- I mean- thought, dad. I've got to get the door."

Everyone was out somewhere. My mom, Audrey, and the girls were out to a movie, Alexander was out with Austin and his friends, and the twins were too busy in their room, doing God knows what. So I took it as my responsibility to get the door, even though Ainsley's usually the one who did that. Though I don't think she was supposed to.

Once I opened the door, I was ready to see Alexander or a package but instead got a huge surprise.

"Don't freak out or else everyone will know I'm here," my dad said as he put a hand in my mouth.

I just stood there with wide eyes for a few seconds before jumping up like a little girl and hugging him. Yes, imagine that; a scary-looking six-foot five inches tall Italian boxer jumping up and down like a little kid on Christmas.

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