☁︎ Reactions; Chapter Seventeen ☁︎

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The team had no visible reaction this time around, save for pure livid eyes and beyond bewildered thoughts blasting through their brains.

They almost had this man on their side. They were one call away from giving him the right to live on their ship. One persuasive word from giving him all of their top secret information amongst the battlefield, and most unbelievable; he almost gained their trust.

This man abused his access to dark magic, forcing someone and bending their mind until it broke into the way he wanted. And that victim was none other than a wide-eyed girl who only wanted to learn space exploration for her planet.

An innocent human named y/n who didn't even want it. But who would?

No one knew what to say, and frankly, no one wanted to say anything. What do you say, what would you say? They all left the ice unscathed, each one too uneasy to break it. Throats dry, eyes wide, lips parted and bent into frowns.

That is, until something inside Keith snapped.

"Get her out of the pod," Keith growled, marching towards the door. His conscience had taken an eager leap out the window, leaving him to act without thought. "Get her out right f———g now."

"Keith!" Shiro boomed, but no matter if it was for his profanity or his behavior, Keith wasn't intent on caring enough to listen.

Unlike last time, the team gave him no protest nor preamble as he lived out his recklessness. They watched him stand impatiently outside of the pod with a twitch in his limbs, angry and ready to catch and move.

You were deader than a doornail when he caught you, deep in a forced sleep. The pod had ejected too early, with barely more than ten minutes left to go on your 'session'. But with Keith's plans in mind, you being knocked out cold was honestly better.

He looked down for a solemn, soft moment.

Tears streamed down your face as your mind wept in it's subconsciousness. He used his thumb to wipe them away. Seeing you cry, no matter who's fault or whatever the circumstance, was a sight too unholy for him.

You had relived what you had not known for so long, not quite ready to wake up and face it yet. Not with what you would have to face the team with yet, anyways.

Who, and when would anyone be ready to talk about this?

He held you close to his chest, pressing tightly and keeping you near. Like a life source. Without you in his arms, he would have no self control over his next actions until his rage calmed. When he had you secure, he began storming out of the room, a spook to the Paladins watching.

"Where are you going?!" Lance asked, watching as he stomped towards the door.

Keith only stopped and held still for a moment, a few still seconds of poisonous tension.

"I'm going to get Y/N somewhere safe and call Lotor out on his bulls—t."

Everyone was stilled to silent. He sounded so cold, like all signs of any sarcasm had been cleansed from his throat. His next words darker yet; "We should give him something else that needs magic to fix."

The words were spat out with venom, it was practically leaking from his mouth.

Shiro jerked instantly, grabbing Keith's bicep and holding him back. " 'We?' We're not doing anything like that."

"Why not?! Who's going to stop me?!" Keith hissed, becoming less and less aware of the body in his arms. He knew he had to fight for it, and that he couldn't let you get hurt again, but those were his only restrictions. He would shout at his brother figure if the shoe fit. "The team doesn't seem to have a problem with it!"

How Far I've Come (Keith x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now