Chapter Eighteen: Brik of Doom

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There was the bone forest with the lingering eyes of the lost souls. The unsettling fear of being watch did not settle, even if the lord of the land was with them. Sir Sytx guided them away from the wasteland and back towards the main path. The lantern of Enlightenment swung careful in Fred's hands. He was stuck staying close to the spider man. Edgar had had enough of this odd land. He kept a steady pace with the group as they went toward Sir Styx castle. The spider man had promised them a away out once they got to his home. Poor Gin lingered at the back of the group. The royal advisor was clearly all mixed from his adventure.

The skies overhead were gloomy. A crackle of storm formed with strikes of lighting. Cries and moans of the spirits howl as they traveled. Sir Styx watched as the cobbled path lit up as they came near his own home. The shining threads of his own family were all about. He gingerly smiled as small spiders climbed around the webs. The ruler of the Birk of Doom had a comfort as he lead his new friends to his home. The castle's silhouette against the clouds and darkness. Sir Sytx sighed as he recalled the bewitched royal guidan and company of humans with him. It all so much trouble. Not so much trouble for some like Sir Styx not to be use to. Just he wished it all had to do less with his poor missing daughter.

They arrived to the castle gates. The red doors were watched over by fearsome ghouls. The castle itself was jagged and strange with its towers covered over with webs. Fred stared in wonder. Edgar shivered in fear. Poor Gin was too overwhelmed to deal with anymore of this mess. Sir Styx lead his guests through the many halls and rooms to his castle. They were headed to his own personal study. It was the best place to try and sort out the details of the different hexes and where to figure out to send the humans back. Sir Styx kindly put down the cage of the royal guardian. He would have to take plenty of time to release him from his spell. He turned to Fred next. It would take a great deal longer to fix the human as well. Sir Styx crept over to his fireplace. The simplest thing would be sending the other two back.

Fred and Edgar stood before Sir Styx. The royal advisor stared down at his feet not wanting to say much about his own thoughts. Sir Styx place two of his many arms together. The others reached out for the many different indigents he would need. His eyes looked upon the mortals. He gave a steady sigh and started, "Now, please listen. I have some good news and bad news."

"Start with the good news," Fred said.

"The good news is I can send Edgar and Gin back right away. I have everything I need to send you directly to the Scarred Man. He ought to sort out things. He should also be of great help with locating my daughter," Sir Styx said.

"And the bad news?" Edgar pressed.

"The bad news remains that your brother will have to stay here in the Birk of Doom. I cannot send him back to the mortal realm in his tainted state. He must be cured," Sir Styx held a potion in hand and dropped into the fire. It flared up into blue flames, "The other thing is I am not sure if I will be able to directly get him caught up with you once he is cured."

"Why not!?" Fred shouted.

"Because I fear the longer you stay here in the Birk of Doom, the less of mortal life force you have."

"You are saying, that I either stay here and become dead. Or go back and be a monster!"


"No way!" Fred shouted.

"Yes, it comes down to that. I am afraid it does not offer much in a resolution. Let me try my wife. Maybe we can work something out ?" Sir Styx shook his head. The flares in the fire formed an elderly woman with her careful placed in a bun. Sir Styx turned his attention to the elderly woman in the flares. He spoke, "Murete, my dear, how are you?"

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