Chapter Nine: Drake's Song

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The crowd had been warm so far with laughter and clapping every so often. Drake and Newegg had been working together alright. The boy nearly missed some of his marks for the performance, but Newegg was experienced enough for the both of them. Newegg had been more patient than normal with the boy. She even slipped in some encouraging glances as they did the flame juggling. Now Drake placed the old lute into his lap. He had been seated on a barrel for this section of the performance. His eyes closed as he prepared. Something inside of him was stirring. But he could not make out what was the feeling.

Newegg was getting on her mark. Her outfitting was rustling back she kneeled. The stage hands were readjusting the lighting to be more dramatic. Ozzy and Lucky were busy in the background getting the final set together with the stage hands. The lights now dim and the room darken for mood. It was just as Newegg. She had lectured Drake about this section and how it was about the flow of dancing and song. It seemed out of place for a clown act to Drake. He shrugged it off. He had only been a clown for a short while anyways. Newegg bent her head upward as she wanted for the beginning cord. Drake scanned the tent once more as he nervously held his fingers over the lute. His voice was meek as he begun to hum.

Drake started. His song, however, was not the song from practice. It came out as a melodious tune that was other worldly in sweetness:

Come one and all to listen,
A modest song for you know,
The coming age of Dreams freely flows,
Oh all children dance and sing with joy and hope around the fairy ring!
Lady Law will not find the Witness before the cracking Dawn.
Yet worry not about the chaos from the over joyous celebration,
A dragon hidden amongst the flowers will come to the show.
And too will bow the royals to the wish of the repeating Undeath and the Unknown,
Tricky in the dance is the fleeting is the time of the Daughter of Shadow.
Laugh the tricksters in the hidden place for they lead the celebration.
In the coming age of Dreams, the lands will be delighted with milk and honey.
Open your hearts stare upward to the stars come the sign.

Newegg did not miss a beat about the change in song. She dashed about in leaps and twirls. She motioned for the drop of the silken curtains of the acrobats. Newegg numbly climbed about them and awed the crowd with her ease and polished style. She jumped down and made even a large bow. She performed magic trick with a puff of smoke and made there appear a dragon. Another motion and petals of flowers showered the crowd. She spun around and dazzled them with a quick flick of her finger and glitter shimmered down on them.

Then behind the curtains, Drake could hear Primrose gasp. She was rushing about backstage and shortly left the tent. The boy felt the beads of sweat drip down his face. The crowd was applauding at a delay reaction. Newegg from behind was huff and puff with her finished dance routine. Her appearance here was less comical and more elegant. Newegg upheld her head with her makeup light on her cheeks and lips. Her eyes glimmering with unknown thoughts. Lucky and Ozzy came back to the center stage with the spotlight still lingering on Drake. The clowns committed themselves to an oddly beautiful dance with juggling of fire torches. Lucky slipped by Drake as the crowd sat back down for the final act. She grinned and said, "Keep going, Drake! We are on the finisher!"

Primrose gestured for the boy to take a seat in a chair. Drake held the lute with care in his hand. He knew the Scarred Man promised him everything he needed. The Scarred Man was after a wish weaver. Drake peered at his lute which the fairies dreaded so much. The lute was magically and an item from the junk shop owner. The Scarred Man told the boy it was of great power and would echo true of the tune of time. Drake had not figured out how such an item would protect him. But the Scarred Man promised everything would be fine for Drake as long as he kept the lute nearby.

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