Chapter 22-The Chamber of Secret Reveals

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After having a nice dinner with the ghosts and getting several warning about hanging out with Mrytle, I... still went off to meet with her, and Sir Nick followed me declaring it his duty as a knight to be alongside the hero (although it really wasn't necessary.)  

Once we reached her bathroom, she seemed to startled that I showed up she burst into tears.  Turning intangible so that I could hug and console her, I transformed wrapping my body around hers, protecting her from the outside world, while Sir Nick just stared at us, his mouth a gape.  

"Thank you S-Da-Phantom" Mrytle said after having slowed down her sobs.

"Anytime, Myrtle, glad I could help."  I replied rubbing her back  before pulling her away from him to look in her eyes.  "Now, are you going to show me what you wanted to show me or what?"

Myrtle hesitantly nodded before floating off to be in front of one of the sinks in the bathroom and asking Danny to unlock the passageway, but Danny smirked and just floated right through it, leaving a very confused Sir Nick behind after Myrtle followed Danny screaming, "Wait for me!"

When we landed and we were standing in front of a wall/door with snakes decorating it. Reaching my hand out intangibly to go through it I was surprised to find out that I could not phase through it, so I turned to Myrtle and asked if she had any idea as to what to do next.  

She just shrugged in response, so I stared at the eyes of the snake and suddenly I got an idea, ask the snakes on the door to open the door for us, so I cleared my throat and asked the snake right in front of me (the one in the center) to open the door for me, which in turn caused the snake to look up at me and hiss a, "Of course, anything for you." before all the snakes started opening the doors for us, but what we found inside... was not what I was expecting at all.

AN: What do you think of my changes so far?

Any guess on what the trials are for?

Hiding a Phantom book 1: at HogwartsWhere stories live. Discover now