Chapter 40-Lunch plans

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"So why are you asking if I'm free on that night?"  Professor Flitwick asked looking at me.

Suddenly realizing what I was about to do, I did that thing I was best know for back in Amity Park, I 'chickened' out.  "Never mind, it's not important.  Good night Flitwick!"  I called racing (not really racing, by racing by human standards) from the room shacking at what almost could have happened there, missing Flitwick's call of good night after I left and the subsequent sigh shortly after.


That night I didn't get much sleep and the sleep I did get was filled with weird memories from someone else.  Deciding to skip breakfast with the ghosts. I ate one of the fruits in my kitchen, before getting dressed for the day and racing off to Herbology.


As the lunch bell rang, I called goodbye to Professor Sprout, and left the green house heading for my common room, before remembering I could teleport.  Ducking behind a rock to avoid the students heading in after Care of Magical Creatures, I teleported back into my room.  Putting all my stuff away on my bed, I closed the door and headed toward the kitchen I could already hear two pairs of feet heading in my direction, but they were still 4 corridors away.

Get out some food for them, we invited them over for lunch, right?

Right,  I replied quickly before setting the tea pot to fill with water, and headed to the refrigerator opening to realize that I had no normal people food.  Everything was all ecto-food, which although good for me, was... not the best idea for normal people (weather or not they were able to use magic).

you cold also call out that house elf

Good idea.   

Calling out the house elf from last time, I quickly got some food that I could share with Fitwick and Lisa.

Just as I finished setting up the food I heard them right out side the wall.

It's show time.

Hiding a Phantom book 1: at HogwartsWhere stories live. Discover now