Chapter 37- Rescued

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Alley's POV

Only one thought lingered on my mind as we made our way through the rubbles of the burnt building of the demon lord headquarters.

I hope we get to them in time.

"Turn left. Go down the stairs." Selena instructed the group of us who were on our way to the basement, the prison in which our family was being held captive.

A group of demons suddenly appeared out of nowhere, surrounding us.

"Guys go. Some of us will hold them off. Hurry!" Joey shouted. We obliged and dashed down the stairs, narrowly missing the claws of vicious demons. A good amount of them stayed to fight off the demons.

We reached the basement with no trouble whatsoever. It felt too easy. I was not really complaining but that just raised suspicions.

There, as we turned a corner, stood the one and only demon lord. He was ridiculously tall and right at that point he looked normal. I knew he had his demon face which he could conjure at any moment. His dark black eyes stared at us with mischief, while a menacing snarl was present on his lips.

"Finally. I've been waiting too long. The torture was getting boring. They just wouldn't scream or beg for mercy." He said with nonchalance.

"You sick monster!" Selena screamed lunging at him, but Mark held her back just in time.

"Well." He smirked. "She's feisty, but I'm done playing games. I'll give you what you want if you give me what you took from me."

"Not gonna happen." I was quick to reply.

I signalled Selena to freeze him discretely, but nothing happened when she tried. I tried using my powers too but nothing. Nada.

What the hell was happening!?

'Kyle.' I called out in the mind link. 'We are going to need a lot more help down here. Our magic is gone and I don't know what to do now. Inform the others.'

'Copy that.' He answered immediately.

"Your powers don't work down here darling." He smirked sickly.

Rachel stepped forward with a seductive smile.

I internally smiled at this. Smart girl.

She walked with a little sway in her hips and confidence shining in her eyes as she stared at the demon. He was struggling to look away but seemed trapped. She slowly  trailed her finger on his chest and smiled up at him seductively.

She didn't talk but the eye connection was obviously strong.

Meanwhile the demon Lord was occupied, some of the less suspected persons who came with us carefully slipped away and headed towards our initial destination. The prison cells.

"You're pretty." The demon lord, who's name I still didn't even know, told Rachel.

"Yeah?" She asked with a smile while discreetly trailing her hands along him to find a weak spot or anything that could help.

"Yeah." He confirmed then smirked and said, "But it's a shame, don't you think?"

"What?" She asked.

"That you're trying to seduce your way out of this."

All our faces dropped as realization dawned on us.

"Well it's a shame too." Rachel withdrew her hands with a smirk of her own.

"What?" He asked, firmly grabbing her hand and keeping her in place.

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