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Anti leaves to grab something and i sit alone in the room exhausted. I see a man with pink floofy hair, a pink curly mustache, khaki's, a yellow button up, and pink suspenders appear in the room. Confused i call for Anti but before i can do anything else my surroundings become different. Im no longer in my house but somewhere else.

"Its okay ma'am you're safe now, he will no longer hurt you" the man says softly as he smiles calmly

"H-he'll kill you! Why did you do this!" I say panicking as i cover my mouth realizing Anti would hurt anyone who even gave me a side eye.

"Whats wrong aren't you happy i saved you?" The man asks confused

"N-no!" I yell as tears fill my eyes, "i dont want anyone else to be hurt! I dont want anyone to die! Why would you do this! Why make a death wish!" I yell panicking

The man looks at my confused, "why allow yourself to be tortured... you know he'll get bored and start hurting someone else" the man says rolling his eyes

I nod softly, "i know but i want to keep that from happening for as long as possible.... no one should have to feel what I've felt" i say as tears begin to stream from my eyes.

The man grabs me as he chuckles and quickly pulls me into a strange hospital like room. But, it seemed almost like a dark creepy satanic one, the florecent lighting gave it an even creepier vibe, it was like those rooms with those metal tables that you clamp people to and torture them while they're unable to move at all.

Terrified i try pulling away from the man, "whats wrong dearie? Dont worry its not like you're gonna be the subject, no only that little boy toy of yours Anti" he says with a chuckle

"He's not my boy toy!" I growl at the man, "i was forced to be his toy... i wanted none of what he did to me" i correct him as i look at my feet a little frustrated but also scared as I remember all of yesterday's events, how could all of that only have been yesterday.... just one day.

The man apologizes and pulls me over to the table. He starts to gloat about what he's gonna do to Anti how he wants to make him suffer, "wouldn't that be wonderful after everything he has done to those i love and everything he's done to you, don't you think he deserves it" the man says with a chuckle

I nod, i didn't really know what to say, i thought he deserved it but part of me disagreed, no one deserved it.

The man gently grabs my hand about to say something before a smirk crawls onto his face and he slams my hand down onto the table, my wrist right were the clamp was. Before i can react he clamps my wrist down, the clamps were held by a lock that needed a key to be opened once they were closed.

"What the hell!" I yell as I struggle trying to pull my hand through

The man takes a deep breath as he quickly manages to pick me up and throw me onto the table, "don't worry im not gonna hurt you, not like he did, i just need you to be bate, after that we can watch him suffer!" The man says excitedly as he clamps my legs down at the same time. He goes to grab my wrist but i swing it away, but my body isn't mobile enough to keep him from grabbing my arm and slamming it down and clamping it.

"You fucking son of a bitch!" I curse at him

"Relax, im only gonna hurt you once okay? I need him to think im tormenting the fuck out of you and then he'll come running! Im sorry beforehand but sometimes you have to sacrifice a few thing to get what you want" the man says with a shrug as he grabs a phone and starts recording. He quickly grabs a large jug of a thin dark brownish yellow liquid. From the labels on it i can point out the most terrifying words at the moment "hydrofluoric acid" a type of acid so strong it will eat away at metal and even glass in minutes, the type of acid in kids cartoons.

"What the fuck is that for!" I yell panicked

The man puts on a pair of green gloves probably made of a material that the acid wont eat away at which is impossible but i don't question it as he lifts up my shirt to reveal the patch that covered the carving Anti made on me. I didn't even really look at it, i knew what it was but refused to think about it.

I hear the sound of the mans phone ringing. Was he trying to FaceTime Anti so he could watch me suffer in real time? What was wrong with this man!

"Hey Antisepticeye why don't you look at this beautiful new test subject of mine" he says as he taps the phone to flip the camera probably and points the back of the phone at my face

"You fucking asshole!" I growl at the man as he turns the camera to the patch covering the carving. The man quickly tears off the bandage and unscrews the lid on the acid before quickly pouring it onto the carving, "oops" he says with a giggle as i begin to scream in pain as i feel as if my muscle, tissue, and every cell in, on, and near, the satanic carving of the devils pentagram is torn off and ripped into shreds

(Just for y'alls info this is the devils pentagram at least the closest i could get to the real thing without messin with that bad energy, the regular star pentagram a lot of movies and tv shows use isn't satanic, its Pagan, and Pagan's aren't Sat...

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(Just for y'alls info this is the devils pentagram at least the closest i could get to the real thing without messin with that bad energy, the regular star pentagram a lot of movies and tv shows use isn't satanic, its Pagan, and Pagan's aren't Satanists, we're actually a lot more like Christians and Buddhist, just remember the differences kiddos)

I feel as if my flesh was being torn away from me as if i could feel some form of a flesh magnet pulling it away. I scream and scream begging for it to end but it doesn't. Sweat drips from my body as my body begins feeling overheated. As blood pours from my wound i can feel my eyes drop slightly. I can't move, I can't stop the pain, and as I desperately begin to wish for death i can feel someones breath by my ear.

"Calm down dearie, it will no longer hurt as soon at Anti gets here, understand?" The man whispers to me with a demonic chuckle.

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