Like real people do

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"Darling, you are kind of like an angel, you're human but have the strength and aura of an angel, which even the magical egos and demons have not seen in years, there are a few here that are egos but they arent really angels.... you on the other hand are an angel, without its wings, meaning you cant teleport or go to any other places like where you are now, or any other places only angels, magical creatures, and demons, can go" he explains, "you're what we call a paradox angel, because you have the strength and other certain things but you cant do many things even young angels can do" he explains

"Are you sure you aren't just pullin my leg here?" I ask

"Yes im sure, that is why you are so important to Anti, because his father wants him to find, 'an angel who can not fly but whose mind and beauty exceeds all around it, a woman whose wings have been clipped and can no longer leave her world on her own' his father wants you to kill his wife before she kills him, but his wife wants a vessel to use to kill him, and you are the perfect candidate, which is why Anti is hiding you, that and he doesnt want to give you to his father" he pauses to let this strange explanation sink in, "he's in love with you, and he doesnt want to give you up because you'll most likely die" he adds

I want to question everything but i dont, none of this made sense, and yet it did, "where's Anti now?" I ask

"Probably trying to get in but he cant really even get on the property of the house" Marvin says

I feel something push me in a strange metaphorical way, like a switch turned on in my head, forcing me to run outside. Anti stands on the sidewalk waiting. His eyes light up when he sees me. I quickly walk towards him but stop near the edge of the property, "is it true!" I say

Anti just looks at me confused

"You only wanted me so i could help your father kill your mum" i growl wanting his answer

"Not anymore" he says softly, "that how it started.... but i changed my mind"

"Say it Anti or i will never see you again!" I yell hoping for the answer i wanted

"Y/n?" He says softly, "I can't" he says in almost a whisper as his eyes glance away from me

"Then i guess is the end of our story" i say as i turn around holding back tears as i begin to walk away

"Y/n wait!" He yells for me, i turn around to look at him, "yes i wanted to just use you.... but i fell for you, i love you.... and i dont want to give you up to most likely be killed by either of them!" He says a vulnerable look on his face

I walk back to him and walk off of the property as i wrap my arms around him pulling him close as i kiss him softly, "you need to catch someone when they fall or they wont know how you feel" i say softly as he wraps his arms around my waist and keeps me close while he buries his head in my neck.

I wish this is where our story ends, where we both are happy and for a moment our story does end, but not for long. Anti doesnt know all the things Dark has done, some that affect him, some that affect us, some that changes everything about me. And this story will never end this happily ever again, in life nothing ever has a truly happy ending

Lonely lovers (Antisepticeye x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now