Chapter 9 Break Down

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The song I chose for this chapter is a bit special, because it clearly reflected upon me when I was facing many difficulties in life. 

Song Name: Fight Song

Singer Name: Rachel Platten

Chapter 9 Break Down

Austin's POV:

For the first time in many years I saw Serena started smiling from her heart, she started talking more and became like a normal girl. I was really happy. Amalie was making her feel more like herself again. Though, Amalie didn't always have time for as she was quiet busy herself. Serena told me she was starring in a new drama series due to which she was super busy. But somehow even due to her packed schedule and though, I watched from my window she often came around or after midnight she always here to pick Serena up for college, though I said I could pick and drop her she insisted. And every morning I had to give in to her pleading eyes. She even took my number in case she was unable to pick Serena and Lillian and if no one else was available as well. It happened two weeks prior when she asked me pick them up and apologized for causing me inconvenience since I am so busy. I only chuckled and assure her it was no problem. I had sent my driver to pick them up.

Right now I was in a meeting with some business men who were interested investing in a new project of hotels which I was planning to open in Australia, my phone ringed, I ignored the call and put the phone on silent I continued with the meeting when my phone constantly vibrated in my pent pocket, I finally excused myself from the meeting for moment and went outside, I looked at the number and was surprised it was Serena, she never called me in my office, instantly unsettling feeling set in me and I hurriedly received her call she was crying, "A-Austin get here quick I was being h-harassed and A-Amalie saw them and r-right now s-she's in danger. She told me t-to c-call the police but it will too long p-please call Brian and get to the college and h-hurry!"

It was like someone knocked the air right out of my lungs, I told her I'd be there in a few minutes, I dismissed the meeting till further notice and called Brian, "Brian, get your men and meet me at Serena's college and quick!" I said in a hurry as I told my driver to drive to Serena's college.

"Okay, but what happened, man? And Jason is coming as well." Brian said on the other end.

I explained Serena's panicked voice and call and that was enough to rile him up. Without further he cut the call on me meaning he was as furious as I. he also took a liking to Amalie to her sweet nature and considered her the same as Serena a sister to him, so mess with the ones he loves consider yourself dead.

The moment we reached the college I asked Serena to lead the way and both Lillian and Serena towards the said location, but there was no one there except for some blood, we were scared out of our wits to whose blood was it? Then we heard bone chilling scream and I knew it was Amalie I made Jason stay behind with Lillian and Serena. Brian and I made a dash for it and we saw made my blood boil, Amalie was on the ground in another man's arms and he was constantly shaking her to somehow wake her but it seemed as though she couldn't hear him, I saw that another person was about to lung for that guy but before that could happen one of Brian's men shot him in the shoulder, while Brian shot the man who had the syringe in his hand on his heart and he died on the spot, I ran to Amalie and saw her face turning pale all color leaving her, I knew whatever was in that syringe was deadly. I picked her and pleaded her to stay awake she looked at me lifelessly before settling into my arms and closed her eyes, we reached the hospital in less than 5 minutes breaking every damn traffic rules that exist. I didn't care. Amalie's life mattered more. What I didn't expect was that her sister Scarlett also worked here and all color left her face when she saw her sister in that state they rushed her to the emergency.

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