Chapter 36 There Are Only 2 Ways

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HIYA All! So you must be wondering why this song of all songs? Well that's simple. HSM is maybe the very first movie I ever saw and tried to memorize the Songs of. So yeah it's really close to my heart.

So the song and singer for this chapter is as follows;

Song Name: Start of Something New

Singer Name(s): Zac Efron & Vanessa Hudgens 

So without a further ado here is Chapter 36 of A Love Like No Other! 


Chapter No. 36

Amalie's POV:

You know when you want to sleep and Mother Nature says nope sorry you need to get up to do your business, yeah well that's me right now. And wanna know why I can't get up? Oh that's very simple Austin's arm is a hell a lot of heavy! Oh yeah, you guys must be wondering what happened afterwards, right? Well after dinner, me, Austin, and Serena sat movie room they have in their mansion with me being in the middle Austin on my right and Serena on my left and watched horror movies. The funny thing is both brother and sister are not the people to watch horror movies with. They continuously bicker on the either stupidity or scenes and the acting of the people. Believe me, I actually had to cover my ears in between their stupid bickering.

Somewhere, in the middle watching Annabelle comes home I fell asleep. That happened due to 2 reasons, a. because tired out completely and b. I put my head on Austin's shoulder, and started softly massaging my scalp and I was out. Which brings us to my current predicament. I tried wiggling, shaking him but man this guy is sleeping like the dead. Not that I mind but the thing is I really gotta go! Sighing, I with a lot of effort turn my body to Austin and do something I thought I wouldn't be doing any time soon.

Reaching up to his face I pout, why is he so perfect when sleeping?

'Well, sweetie I ain't gonna argue on this one. God really did take His sweet time in making him." My subconscious says.

"I know, whereas when I wake up it looks as though there was hurricane that came and left me like that." I sigh.

"Again, can't argue with that either." My subconscious adds its comment.

"Gee, thanks."

"Oh it's my job sweetie don't mention it."

Wow is it only me who's subconscious is a bit too honest? Shaking my head, I lean in and kiss Austin, he doesn't respond at first but seconds later he does and his hold on me tightens and he flips us with him on top of me and he takes charge. Lost in the kiss I forget why I started it in the first place. My hands automatically wound in his hair, and a moan escapes my mouth which in turn makes Austin bite my lower lip and plunge his tongue into mine and completely take dominance. After a few minutes of heavy making out I pull away first breathing hard.

But I guess Austin is still not satisfied, because he trails his lips to my jaw and taking his time leaves kisses on my neck but when he reaches where my shoulder and neck meet, I moan from the sudden and unknown contact and I can feel him smile. He kisses me there and then kisses back up and catch my lips in a sweet but possessive kiss.

This time he breaks away first, and puts his forehead to mine, "Well chérie, if you're gonna wake me up like this I can get used to this." Austin chuckles.

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