Two shocking discoveries

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You are talking to Scott.

"when you were first diagnosed did you get a biopsy done?" you ask trying to get to the bottom of the issue 

"no, the doctor was insistent he was right why do you ask?" Scott says really confused

"well we have reason to believe the mass is benign and possibly not a tumour," you say filling him on the reason why you asked

"but that means I've been getting unnecessary treatment," he says getting angry

"I can't tell you that until we get the biopsy done," you say regretting your decision to tell him

"ok well can you tell me if you're right, please," he says thinking you won't tell him anything

"I'll tell you either way but I hope for your sake that I'm right and it's either benign or not a tumour at all," you say

"yea me too," Scott says agreeing with you

"I should schedule you for a biopsy," you say making a mental note

Ten munites later and Scott has gone for his biopsy so you decide to visit your dad

"Hey, cupcake," your dad says happy to see you

"hey dad tell me why you came back into my life after seventeen years and tell me the truth," you demand even though you know he's got Parkinsons disease 

"and don't call me cupcake it's the worst nickname on the planet,"

"ok I'll tell you why I came back and you probably know why because you have access to my records, I have Parkinsons disease," he says as he lifts his hand which is shaking furiously 

"Dad why didn't you come back sooner," you say feeling the anger boil up inside you 

"because I was ashamed of the affair I had," he says 

"dad I don't care you still could've come sooner," you say trying to talk some sense to him

"look I'm sorry ok but,"

"dad I don't want excuses," you say cutting him off

"I want to be a normal family," 

"well I had to go and ruin it by having that stupid affair," he says acknowledging it was wrongdoing that made it impossible to have a normal life

"hey dad can we continue this later," you say as you get up

"yea, of course, I'll be here for a while," he says making you giggle  

 "Bye dad," you leave


An hour later and you are with the oncologist, talking to Scott

"so you're saying you can operate on it?" Scott asks thrilled because he is likely going to get rid of the tumour.

"yes and it has a high chance of success," the oncologist confirms

"thank you," Scott says

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