chapter 7

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Half the day has finally gone by and now I can eat some lunch. I have been so hungry all day. I go to the cafeteria and I see Nico and Jazz and start walking towards them. Jazz spots me and smiles while waving to me. Nico looks at me and his face changes. He looks all angry and mad at me for some reason. What did I do? Is he mad because I went with Josh instead of him? What's his problem with Josh anyway? Ugh I just got to this school and there's already so much drama. I hate drama, it's useless.

"Hey!" Jazz says.

"Hi." I say back. I look at Nico and I can tell he's ignoring me. Ugh what did I do? "Hey Nico."

Nico looks up at me and says an angrily hi.

"Are you mad at me?" I finally ask him.

"No why would I be mad?" Nico questions me. I can't tell if he's being sarcastic or not.

"I don't know, you're the one who's mad."

"I'm not mad!" The whole cafeteria goes quiet and stares at us.

"Woah no need to start yelling."

"No need to start yelling!" He mocks me. "Your the one who went with Josh instead of me!"

"What's wrong with walking with someon?" I question.

"It's Josh!" He yells again.

"Stop yelling." I say. "What's your problem with Josh anyway?"

"My problem, My problem with Josh is that he's not a good guy and you shouldn't trust him."


"Because I said so."

"I don't have to do anything you say."

"I'm trying to help you here, but obviously you don't want it."

I get up from the table done with his shit and leave. I don't know where I'm going, but I just keep walking. I find a tree outside and decide to sit down and finally eat my lunch. I was really looking forward to eating my food, but Nico had to ruin that for me.

I start eating while listening to music on my new phone. I'm still shocked they got me a phone, especially this soon. I just got here like two days ago. If I have to move again they would've bought this phone for no reason. I try to find some good music and settle on listening to a song called Paralysed. It's really good and I know all the words. I start singing some of the lyrics quietly.

I hear someone sit down next to me and I look up to find Sydney, the girl from yesterday, smiling at me.

"Hi." I say.

"Hey. I don't know if you remember me, but I'm Sydney. I was at Garrett's house yesterday."

"I remember you. What are you doing here?"

"Well I heard you and Nico fighting in the cafeteria, everyone did, and I thought you might want some company."

I genuinely smile. This girl is so nice I already love her. "Thank you."

"Anytime. Are you okay though?"

I sigh. "I dont know. I mean Nico is being an ass. He didn't even tell me why he doesn't like Josh. Besides it's not like we're besties now just because he showed me where my class is."

"Nico and Josh just have a lot of beef. They hate each other."

"Spill the tea."

"Well I probably shouldn't say, but since no one else is gonna tell you I might as well." She pauses like she's thinking of what to say. "Josh and Nico didn't always hate each other, they used to be best friends. One day Nico found Josh with his girlfriend. He found out Josh was raping her and he was really angry. Nico started beating the shit out of Josh. He probably wouldn't have stopped if his girlfriend wasn't there."

I was speechless. No wonder Nico doesn't want me near Josh, but why couldn't he just tell me instead of getting mad.

The bell rang and Sydney and I parted our ways to class. The rest of the day went by with a bunch of people staring at me and I hated it. They all probably heard me and Nico fighting at lunch. I hated getting this much attention.

The last bell rang and I started walking to the car. When I got there I couldn't find the car. I looked around the whole parking lot and I couldn't find Nico or his car. I called Nico multiple times and I txt him, but he didn't answer. I started freaking out a little. I could feel my anxiety creeping on me. I hated this feeling. A million things kept running through my head. What if I never get back home? What if I starve to death because I don't have any money? What if I freeze to death because I don't have a way to get home? What if somebody kidnaps me because I'm walking on the side of the road trying to get home? I couldn't stop my mind from racing through all these ridiculous questions. I hate this. I hate having anxiety. Its the worst. I can't believe Nico left me hear.

I hear someone walking towards me, but I don't pay attention to who it is.

"Mya are you ok?" Someone asks.

I just shake my head no.

"What's wrong?"

I just keep crying and crying. I can't  help it. I feel the person's arms wrap around me. After a while my crying stops and I think my panick attack went away. I look up to see who was next to me and it's Jazz. When she sees my face she smiles.

"Are you ok? What happened?" She asks me.

"Nico left me here and I don't have any way to get home."

"He left you here?" Jazz asks.

"Ya." I say.

"I can give you a ride. And I know you're probably mad at Nico, but just let him off the hook this time. When it comes to Josh he gets really emotional and sensitive. Even though that doesn't mean he should go around doing dumb shit but he can't help it."


Jazz gives me a ride home and I'm thankful Fiona and Manny aren't home yet to question me why I'm late. I don't wanna tell them that their son left me all alone at school. I'm gonna take Jazz's advice and not bother Nico about Josh again.

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