chapter 17

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I heard Manny and Phiona yelling at Nico last night. They sounded really mad and Nico got into a lot of trouble. I kinda feel bad because it's partially my fault he's in trouble. If I didn't do the thing with Josh, Nico wouldn't have gotten drunk and he wouldn't have gotten in trouble. I should apologize to him or atleast talk to him. 

I walk over to his room and knock at the door. I hear a "come in" do I walk inside. Nico is sitting on his bed looking through his phone. He looks up and sees me so he puts his phone away.

"Hey." I say.

"Hey, what are you doing here?" He asks.

"I came to talk and to apologize. You had warned me about Josh and I completely ignored you so I'm sorry. I didn't think you would go out and get drunk and get in trouble."

"Its not your fault I got drunk or got in trouble. And I kinda deserved it because I was an ass to you. I shouldnt have broken up with you like that especially right after we kissed. I just thought that I wasnt good enough for you and that you'd be better off without me."

"Your better than good enough. I don't need someone perfect cause no one is perfect and if they were it would just be boring. You just have to be a good person, which you are."

"But I'm not a good person I've done bad things before."

"Everyone does bad things."


"What 'bad things' have you done?"

"Uhh um like I've cheated before and I've um skipped school before and slept around with some girls and I drink and get drunk and go to parties and um theres one other thing."

"Alot of people do that shit. What other thing is there?"

"I sell drugs."


"At first I just had them at parties cuz everyone was doing it but then people started asking me for some so I decided to sell them. I've tried to stop but people keep asking and I dont wana them thinking I'm lame for stopping."

"Who cares what people think, you could get in serious trouble."

"I know, I'm sorry. This is the main reason I broke up with you, I didnt want you to get into any of this shit and you all ready had such a shitty past I didnt want to make things worse."

"I would've rather you told me the truth than make me think I had done something wrong."

"I'm sorry."

"I forgive you."


"Ya, I dont like to hold grudges. There pointless."

"Does this mean we're together again? You'll be my girlfriend again even with all my shit?"

"Everyone has shit and yes."

We both kiss each other passionately. Theres so much lust and passion and neither of us break out for air. It's like we cant get enough of each other. I haven't felt these lips in so long. I've missed this. I've missed him.
I love him.

The end

Ok guys so this is the end of the story. Sorry for the late update. Ik yall r so sad lol. It was an abrupt ending. I just didnt have any inspo and didnt feel like writing anymore. I had a lot of ideas for this book but I guess it was just a phase cuz now I'm bored and tired of it. Sorry guys. Pls vote, comment, and share.

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