Chapter Fifteen

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"H-He is your what?!" His voice rose.

I flinched a bit. He never rose his voice. I looked down at the countertop, feeling my tears threaten to fall.

"Fairy don't you dare let a tear fall because of him"

"I'm sorry I just- I don't know what to do now" I looked at him through the glass to see his eyes glazed over. It's always creepier and creepier everytime. Then he got out of it.

"Your staying here with me for a few days" a few days?

What the hell would he be doing for a few days? I should be relieved but something inside of me isn't. We walked back into the bedroom part of his room. I just sat on the bed.

"Fuck!" He let out his frustrations on a nearby wall. Poor wall. Now there is a hole. Lovely decoration Caleb.

"Do you have anyway of contacting mom?" She needs to know that I'm at least okay. Heck my other brothers need to know I'm okay, they haven't heard from me.

"No. Mind link is too far and they took my phone" now I really felt like crying. But I held it in. "You have to tell me everything. He is gone. He won't know if you tell me anything"

"Okay well..I have been chained up these last few weeks. I sleep on the floor most times, only once or twice I got permission for the bed. He leaves the window open so it's very cold. He clawed me when I was bad. He tried to look at me when I was naked. I had to be forced to act fake in front of his mother. He-He tried to get close to me-"

"I'm going to kill that son of a bitch" he was fuming. My brother Caleb was fuming in anger.

"You can't! As much as I hate to say it you can't. There is so much you don't know and-"

"What are you keeping from me then? Hm?" Now he was angry at me. Me being the stubborn child I am, retaliated against my brother.

"I can't tell you asshole! It's for your own protection!"

"Protection? Protection? Claire your the defenseless one. If there is something to use as leverage against him you better tell me" it went silent. I can't say it to him. I feel as though something worse will happen if I do tell my brother.

"Fuck Claire!"

"I need a shower after today"

"Fine just go. I need to go do something anyways" I sighed watching him slam the door on the way out of his room.


I slept better than I have these last few weeks. Granted Caleb took up the whole bed as he slept like a starfish but I slept good. There still hasn't been a word spoke about the Kings whereabouts. Not even Caleb knows for sure, he just knows he is out on business of some kind. It still worries me extremely.

In the morning I was rudely woken up by a cup of water being thrown onto my face. I almost screamed but ended up giving up as I was still tired.

"Caleb...why cant I just sleep?" I grabbed his pillow, using it as mine was currently soaking wet from someone being so rude.

"Nope! Up! If you are going to be Queen you can at least act as though you belong" He then continued the torture by pulling off the covers from my body. It was freezing mind you.

"Caleb! I am going to murder you!"

"So I was thinking about last night. Then it got me thinking. I am just going to take you to my morning training so you can at least learn some self defense. Come on. Get up, get dressed! We are going!" I groaned again as he pulled from my ankles off the bed.

I landed on my tailbone making me jolt up automatically. I yelled at him attacking him. By attacking him,  attacking him I meant jumping onto his back and pretending he was a bull. I tried to choke him but he, being the actual war general, threw me off and back onto the bed.

"Don't be such an ass I'm helping you" '

"Training isn't going to help me Caleb. I cant fight against the king of the werewolves"

"I'm not saying you have to kill him. I'm just saying you can learn something and not be completely defenseless" I even doubt I'm going to even fulfil Queen duties.

Not that I'm complaining but still. It bothers me. Sometimes I just wish I was a werewolf. So I wouldn't have all these issues, so I wouldn't be so pathetic about everything. I gulped down the soreness in my throat and stretched.

"Fine but don't be such as ass about it either" He smiled at me, opening the window to reveal it was pitch black behind that curtain. My mouth gaped open, pitch black?

"What time is it?"

"Four AM, rise and shine!" I am going to literally murder this boy.


"You remember when Mom would try and get us into sports" He said, not out of breathe as this is our fourth mile run and this is his warmup.

"Caleb I don't think its the time right now to be talking about Mom" I was out of breathe, needing to sit down. We have been at this for hours. I'm dead tired and we haven't even gotten to the combat part yet.

"Don't you think we should at least talk about the part of you being held against your will because your mated to the King of werewolves?" My eyes widen.

We were in a kind of populated area as runners did go by us every so often. They all left us alone, that was only because I was with Caleb.

"Caleb! You cant say that shit out loud!" He shrugged not seeming bothered as he sat down on a flat rock. I sat on the rock next to him, grabbing a water bottle from his pack.

"Eh no one cares. They are not supposed to be listening to  our conversation anyways. But seriously Claire...lets talk about this" His whole demeanor changed, his face softening.

"I don't want to talk about this Caleb I really don't. I miss my family like hell. I cant leave this place ever, is that what you want to hear?"

"Claire that isn't the point. We need to think about the future. Are you going through with this mate thing?" I threw my hands in the air in defeat.

"I don't have a choice. I'm his mate, that's it" He bit his inner cheek, his lips going small. He was thinking or he was holding something back. "What?"

"Well you could always reject him"

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