Chapter Thirty-Two

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"So the point of this is?"

"Well your first must learn how to deal with publicity. The proper way to be a queen" I scoffed crossing my arms.

"What do I have to balance a book on my head and kiss babies?" He raised a brow at me, looking confused as ever.

"There no need to do that. Why would you do that?" I went to explain but waved him off, he wouldn't understand my too 'human' references.

"Anyways. You need to be strong, not showing any weakness. Keep a friendly face on at all times. Also, you're in love with me remember?"

"Yeah...right. I think I've fallen for Liam but you and Noah? I doubt it"

"You forgot about me" now he was attempting to get close to me again.

He grinned his all time handsome grin as his hands found my waist. I pushed him off becoming disgusted.

"You, Damien and Noah" he pouted, acting like a five year old. I shook my head in disappointment.

"That's besides the point, you are in total love with me. Noah didn't steal you from your home and didn't burn down your pack and didn't torture you. Got it" I rolled my eyes.

"You forgot he isn't allowing Caleb to stay"

"Okay that's something I decided because your brother decided that before we knew we were mates" I just narrowed my eyes at him now. He shrugged, now side hugging me.

"See not that bad. I don't bite" I wanted to laugh at that statement. "Now you smile and wave and that's it" I rolled my eyes pushing him away.

"Anyways during pack meetings or any public appearance you have to watch your words. Carefully you have to pick them. You can't ever grow frustrated"

"Why is that?"

"Rogues. They infest packs especially the kingdom. They keep track of everything and anything you say can hurt us. Allow them to get a weakness or secret" Rogues.

Another thing the King was known for were his cruel punishments towards them. Rogues were those who have been kicked out of packs. They were horrid creatures that acted normal. When they shift...they turn into a horrible beast. They are rabid. Ruthless creatures with the motto of survival of the fittest. Even more ruthless than the King himself. That itself sent shivers down my spine.

"O-Okay that explains a lot"

"Now... fighting. Please tell me you can at least dodge and run away" I cringed at that thought.

The fighting aspect. I barely had training, there was no need except for brief self defense.

"You do know you will be challenged for the Queen position, right?"

"I still don't understand that rule. I think you briefly mentioned it but I don't know how it works"

"If someone wants to challenge you, they can. Meaning they kill you or brutally injure you to the point where you submit. Winner keep the throne. Even though I marked you...they can still over power the marking by this. The coronation ceremony ends with you marking me" I raised a brow.

"How do you suppose we do that then if I'm human again?" Now he held a rather gloomy expression written all over his face.

"I have to force you to shift again" that instantly made the hair on the back of my neck stand up in attention. I perked up in fear, just thinking of that pain.

"D-Don't make me do that. T-There's another way for that r-right?" I know he can tell how afraid I was.

"I have to. It's the only way as much as I hate feeling you hurt. As stubborn as you are to think I don't care about you, I do. Seeing you like that in the cell, going through the transition all by yourself...." Damien took a pause, letting out a breathe. " hurts Claire. It hurts"

Hearing him come out like this...made my heart swell in emotion again. God he is so confusing I just hate it. He is starting to open up to me, bit by bit. Maybe he just feels bad because of all the torture I've been through and he's trying to make it better by opening up.

At this point I have no idea what game his personalities are playing.

"Why is that the only way? I don't even know how to shift on my own" 

"You have to fucking learn. It's the only way. The doctor predicted that you have a day or so after the transition to be able to be a werewolf. We will use that time to do the coronation and for you to mark me and what not"

"I thought only males marked females in this world" I found myself staring at the ground now, unable to look at his face.

"Royals are different. We treat male and female the same exact way. So both male and female assure dominance over their mates" I nodded, getting the courage to look back up at him again.

"You have to be ready Claire this isn't a joke"

"I never said it was"

"Being Queen is a whole different level and now with you being this hybrid thing, makes it a whole lot worse. I have my shit together for the most part with my condition now you need to learnt to control yours, understand?" I gulped, nodding again to respond to him.

"I-I'll do my best I swear"

"Good. Now shift" I looked around the area.

He took me to the green house to have this discussion. I took another look around then looked at him confused.

"Here? Like now?"

"Yes go" he waited ever so patiently with his arms crossed in front of his chest.

"I-I uh don't know how to do that" then he growled.

"Don't make me force you Claire. Now shift" he warned me again.

How does he suppose I shift? I'm not exactly trained to do this. I'm human for fucks sake.

"I-I don't know how to asshole!"

"Think about the beast. Think about how it feels to be the beast"

"I've ever felt that. My mind cuts out when I turn! That's not fair!"

"Then I'm sorry but you leave me no choice" my eyes widen in fear of feeling the pain again.

He can't be serious. He can't put me through this again.

"I command you to shift" just something about his voice made me cower in fear.

Slowly the bone in my arm broke, snapping in half. I ripped out a scream, falling to my knees as I started to go through the unbearable shifting again.

Human She Was {UNDER CONSTRUCTION}Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora