Part 2

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Liam PoV

The next day at school, it took me about 30 seconds of watching Spencer to conclude I had dreamed yesterday up. There was no way such a shy kid was the same one that had managed to look at me with eyes so sad yesterday I actually felt my stomach clench for the first time in years. He was lingering in the back of the room near the desk he had claimed yesterday. When I walked in, he turned to me and flashed me a weak smile that I had a hard time believing was real. I seemed to be the only one who had even noticed he was there. The other kids filling the classroom acknowledged me with a nod. It wasn't that other kids were mean to me or anything, they just knew that a nod was as far as they could go. They all seemed a little surprised that I actually gave Spencer a smile back, as I found my way to my preferred seat toward the middle.

Ms Delacruz came in, and everyone found their way to the unassigned-assigned seats that GT kids tend to accidentally develop. "Alright, I know it's like the second day of school but this is basically your fourth year in this class so we're going right into it. Today I assign the collaborative essay, you have until Tuesday. The prompt's on classroom, it's over the book you all should have read over the summer. I don't care who you work with, you're all adults."

When it came to group projects, in any class really, I always ended up asking for permission to work on it alone. I had tried that on the collaborative essay last year and Ms Delacruz would have none of that. The rest of the students started to pair up with their usual partner, and I became suddenly aware of a presence behind me who I figured would be safe to assume also did not have a partner. I accepted my fate and looked Spencer in the eye. He smiled. It was genuine, I don't know how I could tell but I could. Not like that one he showed me before class stared.

I made my way to his desk, knowing he wouldn't, with his shy of a personality. Surprised expressions were directed at us, taking note of the odd pairing. I could tell he didn't like the attention, and he ducked his blush-growing face. For some reason, I moved so that I was directly in front of him, blocking the class's view of him. I don't know if he noticed I did it on purpose, but when he hesitantly lifted his head and saw he was out of view, he breathed a sigh of relief as his shoulders relaxed.

"Thanks." He muttered it so quietly, I don't think he intended for me to hear it. I could only chuckle in response as I pulled out my phone and read over the prompt.

I scratched the back of my neck and signed, "We should probably get started on this today. Your place or mine?"

He looked at me with wide eyes, unable to stop his mouth for parting slightly. "Y- yours."

"Alright, I'll drive you, so same time and place as yesterday."

He gave a small nod of his head, without looking from the desk. I was a little nervous seeing as I hadn't had a friend over in years. It seems more of a hassle than it's worth. My mom would likely smother either me or him and I didn't want him overwhelmed or myself embarrassed.

He was waiting out side the school where he had been the day before, 20 minutes after school let out. When he saw me his eyes noticeably brightened and he scurried over to me, keeping his hands shoved in his pockets as we walked to my car.

I decided it be best to warn him before we arrived at my house, "Sorry if my mom smothers you, she gets really excited with house guests. And uh... no cussing. Or crude humor."

He only chuckled without turning from the window, "Of course. A- and do you have any siblings that will be there?"

I wondered for a second why he was even asking, then I realized someone like him would probably have to mentally prepare himself for group interaction, "Uh yeah, she's in the eighth grade. Chances are she won't come out of her room though. Especially if she knows you're coming."

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