Part 4

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    Op guess why I chose a picture of a plane-


Liam PoV

We had decided to work on the paper again today, because I had actually caught up on the book. Spencer was actually the one who suggested it, and I was a little surprised, but I also  noticed it took about every ounce of courage he could muster from his body. After I said "Sure," he breathed out a breath he had been holding the whole time and lifted his head, showing me his sad eyes and weak smile.

    When we walked into my room, he followed his actions from yesterday as he flopped down in front of the tank. I chuckled again, "You really like 'em don't you?" He nodded without shifting his focus. "Well, anytime you want to, you can come over to watch them." I hadn't really figured it would be a huge thing, I had assumed we were friends at this point and I wasn't blind enough to let his hesitance to return home or sensitivity to subjects like the hospital go unnoticed. I figured he would be grateful to be offered a sanctuary, but I wasn't sure he'd accept it. I was wrong.

    His head whipped around so fast I thought he'd break his neck. His eyes were wider than I'd ever seen them, which was saying a lot because his eyes never actually unwidened. "R- really?"

    I didn't know what to say. I wanted to let him know I cared about him, and that it was safe here, but no matter how many times I went over it in my head, he always ended up feeling violated, so I just shrugged, "Sure."

    He sat as if seeming to think for a while, neither of us moving to get anything from our backpacks, "What made you want to go into marine biology?"

    I actually had to think about it for a moment. I'd always knew I wanted to, but I'd never really thought about the why. "Hm. I got a ten gallon tank from my dad for Christmas when I was in the first grade, and I've kept fish ever since." I chuckled at the memory, "I'm not gonna lie, I would kill them pretty often back then, I had no idea what I was doing. But I've learned a lot, and now I know I want to, and I guess at some point I realized it was like the only thing I cared about anymore." I shrugged.

    He stared at me, his mouth open, "Liam that is horrible." I chuckled and reached out to ruffle his hair. He seemed like he he was about to shy away when I did, but he only dropped his gaze. "A- and your dad?"

    I should've known he would notice my fathers absence every time he's come over. He seemed nervous to ask, but if I was being honest, I didn't mind talking about him, especially not to Spencer, "Yeah he uh... went missing when I was younger. He was a pilot, and his plane crashed, but they never actually found his body."

    His eyes went sad, but I knew it wasn't pity. It was understanding, "I'm sorry."

    "Nah, it's okay. I just... sometimes I think it's worse, y'know. I can't help feeling like he may still be alive, and will walk through the front door, but I know he won't."

    He nodded his head as he turned back to the fish tank. I hated the thick air that had laid over us, so is sighed as loud as I could and fell on my back on the floor. "Well I'd say it's about time we actually start writing the paper."

    "Oh yeah!" He seemed like he'd genuinely forgotten, and turned around to grab the stuff from his backpack.

    Suddenly his face brightened and as he smiled, his widened cheeks pushed his big glasses back up his face, "A- are you doing anything next Friday?"

    "Uh, probably not. Why?"

    "There's a concert. I'll be playing my solo during one of the transition times. I know it' far out but should go." He quieted his voice as he looked back down, "I- if you want to."

    "I didn't know you were in band."

    He scrunched his nose, "Yeah, b- but this is just percussion so it'll actually be good."

    I almost choked on something nonexistent in my throat. Spencer had just made a joke. Or maybe he was being serious, I don't know; I couldn't help but laugh anyway. It made me really happy to see he was getting that comfortable around me.

    He looked at me expectantly, and I pretended to think about it, "I'll check my schedule." I already knew the answer, I was going.


I've worked at the aquarium in my town for almost three years now, but it's never been a job I disliked. It's family owned and the staff is all pretty tight knit. They're pretty understating when it comes to school and stuff, and don't call me in for a ridiculous amount of hours.

It was finally Friday, and I had work until eleven. When eleven did come, my coworker Ashley found me as I was heading to change and go home, "Hey, Maxwell wants to talk to us all in the quarantine room."

I furrowed my eyebrows, I could think of no reason why my manager would want to talk to the whole staff. "Why?"

Ashely shrugged, "Maybe they're finally shutting this place down."

"They better not be," I turned and headed back the way I came, towards the quarantine room, with Ashley following at my side.

When we got there, there was already a majority of the staff there, and Maxwell was feeding our new rescue turtle. When he noticed we had entered, he turned with a wide smile. "Alright that's everyone!" Maxwell bellowed as he clapped his hands together, he had always been one of the most joyous people I'd ever met. "I have a little surprise for you all, and before everyone gets excited it's not a new animal, sorry," he laughed at his joke, even though with this crowed that probably would be the most exciting thing to happen. "This Saturday, well tomorrow that is, we'll be having a doors-closed day for all our employees and one friend of their choice, free of charge. Obviously there will be no guided tours, just a day spent at the aquarium at your leisure. You've all been very lovely and loyal employees and I had to think of a way to reward you all. The doors will be unlocked at 11:00, and close when the last person leaves. Alrighty, that's all folks, have a splendid evening!"

Before I could even stop myself from thinking it, Spencer popped into my head. I couldn't help but smile to myself. Spencer loves fish so much, I was excited to see his face when I told him. Ashley must've noticed my smile and nudged me with her shoulder with one of her own, "Thinking about that special someone you're gonna bring?"

I chuckled and meant to say 'not even close' but what I actually said was "Yeah whatever." She wiggled her eyebrows. "What about you? Any guys on the scene?"

She scrunched her nose in disgust, "Oh heavens no honey, you know I don't have time for anything like that." It was true. Me and Ashley were pretty good friends, and she had told me at some point that she'd never been with anyone in her 20 years of life.

I waved goodbye to her as I was heading out the door, involuntarily thinking about showing Spencer around the aquarium when I received a text from him containing a single word.



Ope guess who's not okay : oh well we'll see 🤷‍♀️

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