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So I met this man with chameleon eyes, as his moods changed so did there size. He was shy, smart and a hell of a guy but he was just stuck behind his big bland disguise. He hid his feelings and put his heart away, only for his loved ones he said leading me astray but as I looked in those big blue eyes, I felt myself stay. Because with trust in my heart I feel im safe.
I trust you. I trust your beautiful chameleon eyes. And whatever the world throws at us, I will be right by your side. Even if the hate degrades you. I will build you wide. I will be your wall. And be someone you can confide. Because I want to show you the world. I want to be the one to treat you better than she ever could. I know it's not much. This key of mine. To my heart and my household. But it's every thing I have and all that I own.
I drive myself crazy looking for a back bone, But maybe withing months or maybe in years. I will be able to hold your hand and share this life of yours. It's different and difficult i know this for sure. But we can get through this. It'll just take some time and some care. Just put your trust in me and I promise you. I will be there.

Thoughts Of Me, Sorry.Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora