Chapter 7: Tempt My Trouble

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I was gonna do it. I was really gonna fucking do it.

Closing my eyes, I hit the 'friend request' button. When I blinked my eyes open, I realized what I just did. I covered my face as I let out a loud groan.


The notification sound from my laptop dinged, making me scramble to look at the screen. Sure enough, Scout just confirmed my request. Not a minute later, he sent me a message.

Good thing I didn't hold my breath

I rolled my eyes. Smartass.

Does this mean we're friends now?

We're facebook friends.

I want the real thing, though

Of course, you do. Because you don't give up.

Apparently all athletes were stubborn. It was as if it was in their genes or something. I should know that. I've been surrounded by them my whole life.

Baby steps, Crimson. Baby steps.

Lol alright
See you around

I was about to leave it on 'seen' when I remembered that I had to play nice. Ugh.

Adios, amigo.

Yes, that was the best I could do.

* * * * *

I guessed it wouldn't be hard to track down Scout now because we had the same Intro to Sports lecture class for the whole fucking semester.

I tried to avoid looking at him for most of the class because whenever our eyes would meet, I had to force myself to smile. Then, he would have this weird look on his face as if I grew a huge as hell pimple on my forehead or something.

As soon as the class finished, I bolted out of the room.

Yeah, I was supposed to be nice to him or whatever. But I needed small talk practice. What did those goody-two-shoes people talk about, anyway? Family planning?

It didn't matter. He caught up with me in no time.

"You're majoring in sports, too?" he asked.

"Sports Med," I corrected.

He pointed a thumb to himself. "Sports Management."

"Cool." I nodded and smiled, close-lipped.

He slightly frowned, but shook it off. "You have plans right now?"

Yeah, I had plans to stay the fuck away from you because I'd rather poke my eye than hang out with you. But I couldn't back out of the stupid sorority now because my brother was so stoked when he found out that I was a pledge.

I was a bitch but I couldn't bring myself to disappoint Drew. He never asked me for anything but this shit. The least I could do was suck it up and get through being a pledge to become an official sister. Besides, hanging out with Madeline, Jamaica, and Lilian didn't seem too bad.

"Nothing," I finally answered him. "Why?"

"Uh," he trailed off, looking at me weird again. "I was wondering if you wanna check out the Brick? My frat brothers brought us out there last Friday and it had the best burgers in town."

"Sure!" I said, a little too cheerfully. Shit.

"You okay?"

"Yeah, why?"

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