Chapter IX

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Cadence's POV

I sat obediently in front of the large vanity as Anne combed my golden hair gently

The maids were preparing me for the fifth princess Vera's birthday ball

It was to start later in the afternoon, a few hours from now

In this land, there were three ages that people tended to celebrate grandly

The first being the day of your fifth birthday

At this age, you were able to have your magic aptitude tested and identified

Thus people tended to have birthday parties to show off their children's magic powers

It was a tradition on your fifth birthday to wake up early in the morning and go to the church at 8 where they'd have your magic aptitude tested, and then return back home and hold a grand party

Then there was your tenth birthday

All children would begin to formally attend school and continue until they turned sixteen and graduated

Most noble children and royalty would begin their education much prior by hiring tutors thus this was more celebrated and anticipated by commoners

Lastly being your sixteenth birthday, the age where you would finally no longer be considered a child but a young adult

At this age, you were legally able to drink alcohol and were of marriageable age 

The people of this world were quite old-fashioned. Women were expected to be married by the age of 21 otherwise they'd be deemed "too old" and same-sex love was detested and considered a sin

Today was the fifth princess's fifth birthday thus why a big ball was being held

The maids and guards are all anticipating and making bets over what the princess's magic aptitude will be

There were 8 different elements of magic: fire, water, earth, wind, metal, nature, light and darkness

Most commoners would only have an aptitude with 1-2 elements but nobles usually could use 2-3

Those who had an aptitude with 4 or more were few in numbers and were considered magic prodigies

Father has an aptitude with 5 elements: darkness, metal, fire, wind and earth thus he's considered a top tier mage

Another magic prodigy was the third wife, Lady Mion who had an aptitude with 4 elements: water, earth, wind and nature

Either than the 8 main elements, there were also individual, unique elements that children would receive by being blessed by a fairy

"Being blessed" by a fairy was essentially making a contract with them

In this world, fairies had a somewhat similar position as a "god" or "goddess"

The churches and people worshipped and prayed to them

When a fairy meets a human or child whom they like or take an interest to, they most likely will "bless" the individual, giving them the ability to use their unique element

But fairies were a quiet and aloof race who did not like to make contact with humans, thus there were even less "blessed humans" than "magic prodigies"

Although the second wives magic, Lady Lidia is mediocre I've heard that her children, the second princess Renae and third prince Nolan were both magic prodigies

And princess Renae was even a "blessed child"

Although exactly what her unique element does is unknown, it is said it's quite outstanding

Thus people are expecting much from the fifth princess

Anne and Lady Lena had prepared me a lovely cream princess dress with delicate lace and beautifully detailed embroidery

The dress was exquisite but did not draw as much attention due to its neutral colour

It would be rude to take the spotlight from the princess thus everyone made sure to dress beautifully but not stand out too much

Anne French braided my hair and decorated it with a few small white flowers before smiling at me clearly satisfied with her work

[ "Thank you, Anne" ]

I said sweetly well hugging her leg due to my short height

She rubbed my head affectionately

At that momment,, e doors of my room opened and in came Lady Lena and Levin

They were both also wearing cream clothing like mine, all three of us were matching our outfits which made my heart warm

I ran over to them and hugged them both which they both smiled at

[ "Mommy, big brother!" ]

Both of their cheeks were rosy and their smiles were gentle

[ "You look adorable Cady" ]

Levin said well rubbing my cheeks gently

Lady Lena giggled lightheartedly

[ "Now shall we get going my lovelies? We don't want to be late now do we?" ]

We nodded in unison at Lady Lenas questions

I was able to walk now but I was still only two years old and spent nearly all of my time sitting down reading

Thus my stating wasn't the best and I could only walk for a small distance

Knowing this Lady Lena picked me up into her arms and began heading off well holding Levins' hand

Anne also followed, along with Levins personal maid that we called Granny Cora, who was a sweet but strict elder women

And so off we were to the fifth princess Vera's birthday ball

Chapter End

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