Chapter XV

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Cadence's POV

I purposely lost Annes trail and walked as fast as I could

This was an unknown place to me so I had no clue on where to go until finally, I stumbled upon an empty spare room

I entered and shut the door tightly before collapsing to my knees

I was only walking at a fast pace but for some reason, I was out of breath and exhausted

I took deep breathes to try to calm myself down

Did... did I possibly misunderstand him?

All the time I've been thinking nonstop that he planned on killing me

All along I've kept telling myself that he was a heartless Father who didn't care about anything

But what did I base this image on?

The things that people said about him? The names he had been given by them? And their stories of him?

All this time I've been seeing Father by the image I had quickly built up of him

The times we met were few, but not once did I ever think about finding out the real him!

I so easily believed everything that everyone said but I didn't once think about confirming it for myself!

His expression earlier......

It was the first time I'd seen him look so miserable...

What do they mean heartless? He was clearly hurt before...

I... what have I done?

In the end, it was the opposite of what I had imagined

I was the one to hurt him

And it's all because of my stupid assumptions!

Damnit, this feels so frustrating!

Everything is my fault!

Damnit it, damnit, damnit!

What am I supposed to do now?

The situation is already so awkward so how am I supposed to go back?

No, but I have to somehow fix this!

The last life I never had a close relationship with my Father

I was afraid...

When I died what would that do to him?

I didn't want him to get sad over a lost cause such as myself

It was enough that I was a living timebomb, I didn't want to be the cause of so much despair as well

And thus I distanced myself from everyone and lost everything that truly mattered

But now it's different

My body is healthy and alive so I don't need to worry about those things anymore

I wasn't going to die so soon this time

That's why this life I will treasure and love those close to me!

So I have to fix this all somehow!

I stood up and started to run back

I had no idea what I was going to do or say but somehow I get the feeling it'll all be okay in the end!

Back in the dining room...

Klaus sat in the same chair and had not moved an inch since Cadence had left

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