7 - Bree

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Rain woke me up.

I shook my head, rubbing my face as more drops splattered us. I groaned, sitting up, hissing as my back tightened. The skies had gotten even darker with rain moving in.

The boys were smart in putting their hoods up, I frantically did the same. I realized we were still on the water. How long have I been asleep?

"How much further?" Frodo asked Merry.

"Not long."

"The rain's picking up," I noticed, trying to shrink further into my cloak. The drops were becoming colder and larger.

It felt like forever just to stop the ferry and depart from it. Since Merry led the way, we all tagged behind. The boys made sure I was within the pack. Obviously, the fear of the Black Rider and its backup was still present.

A few loud rumbles of thunder made me wish we were within the village of Bree, in some form of shelter. Being out with a storm brewing wasn't safe.

We all took cover behind a tree or two. I whimpered, dying to be in a dry place. I was tired, I was very on edge, and my back was aching.

I spat away raindrops that hit my face.

"See anything?" I murmured. I was tempted to shout with the heavy rainfall but decided against it.

"It's hard to, but I think we're here," Frodo called.

I peeked past the tree—and the downpour—to see a long wooden wall with a gate. My heart lifted. We'd finally be some place safe...unless the Riders beat us here.

We scurried to the door. I was so overtired that I wanted to burst through the door and find the Prancing Pony myself. I was reminded of Gandalf at the mention of the inn. He was supposed to meet us there. Had he known about the Black Riders?

Why wouldn't he? Gandalf knows more about the Ring than any of us do. It's probably why he told us to leave and not use our last names, because the Riders would ask for us.

I banged on the gate, hoping for a quick answer. I heard something unlock above us, and then someone's face appeared near us. I jumped, bumping into someone—Pippin, I believed.

"What do you want?" the wizened old man wheezed.

"We're heading for the Prancing Pony," Frodo stated.

The gate opened to reveal the old gatekeeper, a lantern in hand. He took in the sight of us.

"Hobbits. Five Hobbits! What business brings you to Bree?"

"We wish to stay at the inn," I shouted over the rain. "Our business is our own."

"All right, young miss. I meant no offense. It's my job to ask questions after nightfall." The gatekeeper stepped away so we could enter Bree's walls. "There's talk of strange folk abroad. Can't be too careful."

The downpour didn't let up, the visibility was terrible. Pippin kept me close because I kept getting blinded by the rain, constantly being slowed down. I tried not to make eye contact with anyone in Bree, nor did I try to get in anyone's way. We were outsiders to this village, and none of us needed to stir up trouble.

We nearly got run over by a horse pulling a cart. People kept getting in our way more than we were getting into theirs.

I was thankful when I could just barely see the sign for the Prancing Pony past all the rain. Once we were at the door, we stepped in.

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