39 - The Eve of Battle

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It seemed as though the world wanted this battle to come.

Before we knew it, night had fallen. Saruman's army was inching closer to Helm's Deep. Soon, war would break out. An army of ten thousand Uruk-hai against all that Rohan had for warriors.

Going into this, we had the disadvantage.

With the battle growing near, those who were eligible to fight were sent to the Armory, where they would receive what was necessary. I snuck into the area, my heart breaking as old men and young boys suited up and handled weapons. They couldn't be sent into the battle with them being the ages they were. They were simply either too old or too young.

They were not fit for battle.

No one had noticed me sneak into the Armory—most likely due to my short height. If anyone was to see me, I had no doubt someone would haul me off to the caves, where the women and children were being lodged. At this point they all had to be well within the caves, Éowyn amongst them. I hated that she could not participate in battle like I could. If she had had it her way, she would be with me right now.

Like in the previous duels I had gone through, I was the only woman armed.

I didn't mean to seek out anyone, I just happened to stumble across Legolas and Gimli by chance. Neither were surprised to see me, and neither looked happy either.

"We thought you would have gone with the women and children," Gimli said. "You're injured."

"I have been injured before. Why would that stop me now? I'll be protected." I shrugged. "And neither of you can say that I have no right to be out there tonight. I have fought in the past; I see no reason for me to not fight."

"I can think of one," Aragorn said behind me. "I agree with them, Marlena. You should not be out there fighting in your state."

"My state?" I whirled around to face Aragorn. "Excuse me, but since when did that become important? You make it sound as though I'm ill or dying. I am neither."

"Your wounds are fairly fresh. They could cause more trouble if they are reopened."

"Can we not worry about me right now? I am one Hobbit, you should be worried about the population of Edoras." I looked past him to watch the soldiers receive armor and weapons. This wasn't right, forcing old men and young boys to fight. I knew how King Théoden thought—every number counted. I understood his logic, but that did not mean that I agreed with it.

The king was sending more people to death. I wondered if he realized that.

"I am no happier about it than you are," Aragorn said, noticing where my gaze lay. He looked over his shoulder. "Farmers, farriers, stable boys. These are no soldiers."

"Most have seen too many winters," Gimli sighed.

"Or too few," Legolas added. "Look at them. They're frightened. You can see it in their eyes."

As I looked at what eyes I could, it was obvious the Elf was right. Though it didn't seem like it, many of the men in here were scared. They didn't want to be defending Helm's Deep when it wasn't their job in the first place.

My attention was brought away from the men upon hearing Elvish. Sadly, like every time I heard the language, I couldn't comprehend what Legolas was saying.

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