Chapter 11

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This chapter is dedicated to all those innocent lives who have fallen victim in the shooting at two mosques in New Zealand this Friday (15/03/2019). Hope they rest in peace.

This incident has reminded me once again of the cruelty of humanity. Of how cruel we, the human beings are. It also made me realize once more that terrorizm has no religion. A terrorist can NEVER be a part of a religion.'s another update.


'Ma'am the set will be ready in ten minutes.' Alisha's assistant says from the door.

'Okay. I'll be there.' Alisha answers. Her assistant leaves after that.

She looks at the mirror. Her makeup is already done. She's beautiful, even she herself knows that. The media knows that. Her fans know that. Yet why Jared can't see, that is a mystery.

In high school, Jared never saw anyone but Leira. Even a idiot could tell that he had a crush on Leira. In every class when no one was looking he would look at het intensely. Even Violet noticed that. But that goody two shoes Leira never realised.

But so what? Alisha knew which buttons to press. She made sure that Leira realised her place. And oh! Dear Leira did. She made Jared lose all chances to ask Leira out. She made sure that even if he becomes the last person on Earth, Leira would NEVER forgive him.

In this eight years Alisha has gotten so close to Jared. Everything was going on as planned. But now this Laura has appeared out of nowhere. If Laura is Leira like Alisha has assumed then... Laura would never forgive Jared and if Laura is not Leira then she'll deal with her.

Suddenly her phone starts ringing. Jared's name flashes on the screen and a smile breaks out on Alisha's face.

'Good morning.' She greets Jared on the phone.

'Morning, Ali.' She becomes surprised at Jared's pissed tone.

'Jared, are you okay? You sound disturbed.'

'Yeah, well I'm pissed big time. Yesterday Laura snapped at me out of nowhere. Then she argued with me for no reason. Can't believe I ever thought of her as cute.' Jared says with anger laced with his words.

Jared continues,'I'll make her sorry for her behaviour.'

Woah! It seems like Alisha wouldn't have to do anything then. Jared personally will deal with her. She starts wondering if Laura snapped at him for the interview she gave yesterday. If that is the reason then she's surely Leira.

'But I didn't call you to tell you about my pissed off mood. Tonight Robin and Ben are coming over at my place. Wanna hang out with us?'

Alisha takes no time to response.

'Are you crazy? Oviously no. The hang out part was okay. But the Robin and Ben part...not so much.'

Jared chuckles a bit.

'I knew you were going to say that. But don't worry, I'll keep Robin and Ben on leash.'

'No thanks. I'm sure you know that you can never keep those two on a leash. We all would start pulling each other's hair after first ten minutes. It's better if I don't go.'

This time Jared starts full on laughing.

'I knew by talking to you my sour mind would lift up. Anyway, I would call you later. I'm sure you're busy although you would never tell me.'

A happy smile breaks out on Alisha's face.

'All right. You got me. My shooting is going to start in two minutes. Take care.'

Mr. And Ms. billionaireOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora