Chapter 15

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5 K reads!!!! How?? In 27th April it was 2.24 K reads for the whole day. With a really heavy heart that it won't even be 3K till my next update, I went to bed. Then the next afternoon when I went online with an equally heavy heart it was 4.04 K! WHAT??Then by the time I went to bed again it was 4.45 K. I have been a monkey ever since(by jumping around and dancing like a maniac).

Anyways.....I'll stop squealing now. 😊😊

Laura's chest is raising and falling rapidly. It's like she can't even breath with him being so close.

He certainly doesn't know anything about people's private space. Jerk.

Laura's neck is almost hurting for keeping it sideways for so long. It feels like a decade has passed with them being in this position. When it's been merely one minute.

'So Ms. Williams..,'

Hearing Jared's voice so close to her ear, she gives a startled squeak. She has been rambling like a idiot in her mind for so long that she didn't realise when he invaded her private space some more by bringing his face close to her ears.

'tell me. How did you manage to make me lose that deal? Oh! And I almost forgot. You also gotten that deal for me. It was really kind of you by the way. Considering the fact that you are the one who made me lose it in the first place.' A very angry Jared says in the most sarcastic tone.

'Wow, Mr. Parker. Great discovery. Congrats on realising the obvious.' Laura can't help but mock Jared between feeling nervous.

Jared growls.

'You think it's funny? I was about to lose an international deal. Do you know what it would've caused me if that happened? What if Diego hadn't  listened to you? What if he had dropped the deal? What then? You didn't just insult me there but also insulted those team members who worked day and night to put this plan together. But it didn't occur to you did it? Other's feelings, hard work didn't matter. Only thing that mattered was your ego and stupid revenge. It is all just a game to you.'

Jared says in a murderous tone making it seem like he's restraining  himself from snapping Laura's neck.

'Huh! You're talking as if you weren't the one who got ahead himself to make me seem irresponsible and inexperienced in front of my father!' Laura angrily snaps.

'Maybe it's true that I got ahead of myself by making you seem irresponsible and inexperienced like that in front of your father and all those persons. But you just proved today how immature you are to handle a company. You didn't even have the brain to realise that you're crossing too many boundaries by altering that file. It just proves what a bad example you'll become as a CEO. You just proved today that I was right. I'll give you a piece of advice. That feisty mouth of yours, wicked brain and oh too prideful ego won't help you manage a company. Remember that.'

The way Jared finishes his lengthy boring speech, Laura gets the idea that perhaps he'll take his large hands off the wall. But obviously he doesn't.

All right. Laura knows she crossed some boundaries and meddeled with a foreign deal. But it's not like Diego would've dropped it. Because he knew that......

Whatever. She can't tell him that she didn't put his deal in risk. She would've felt guilty after hearing the first part of his speech. Yeah. She would've.


Alright. She needs a new idea to be freed from this cage which is Jared's large hands. If only she could go out of here. Perhaps if she works him up very much then he'll start screaming and someone would come to rescue her.

Mr. And Ms. billionaireDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora