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BELLA'S ORANGE TRUCK drove down the road, only Bella and Jacob in the little truck

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BELLA'S ORANGE TRUCK drove down the road, only Bella and Jacob in the little truck. Luna had been spending less time with the two and at home, and more time with the pack.

After Embry had imprinted on her, Sam sat him down to explain it to him and every other thing about the wolves. Embry wasn't too happy that he could no longer talk to Jacob or Quil until they shifted too.

As for Luna and Embry, they were gonna take things slow. They were together, but wasn't gonna say anything until they were sure that the imprint thing was one-hundred percent.

"If I told you," Jacob started, "that I couldn't fix these bikes, what would you have said?"

"Are you doubting your mad skills?" Bella glanced towards Jacob before turning back to the road ahead of her.

Jacob scoffed, "No, definitely not. I mean, they'll run fine. It's just," He paused, "Maybe if I was smart, I would have dragged out the rebuild a bit."

"If you told me you couldn't have fix these bikes, I would say that that's really too bad, but that we're just gonna have to find something else to do." Bella told him.

Jacob looked at her, laughing and nodded his head.

Bella pointed out the windshield. "Is that Sam Uley?"

Five people stood on a cliff and playfully wrestling around, one of them being her little sister.

"Oh my god." Bella gasped as two pushed one of them off the cliff. She quickly pulled over and got out as the remaining four cheered. "Did you see that?"

Jacob laughed and Bella turned to him, "They're not really fighting, Bella. They're cliff diving. Scary as hell, but a total rush."

"A rush?" Bella asked.

Jacob nodded, "Most of us jump from lower down, minus your sister. We leave the showing off to Sam and his disciples. Embry used to call them hall monitors on steroids. Now look at him."

"That's Embry?" Bella asked, frowning. "What happened?"

"He missed some school. Now all of a sudden, he started following Sam around like a little puppy and he's more attached to your sister then ever." Jacob told her. "Same thing happened with Paul and Jared, minus the Luna thing." He looked down, "Sam keeps giving me this look, like he's waiting for me or something. It's kind of starting to freak me out."

"Well, you should just avoid him." Bella told her friend.

"I try."

A scream made Bella turn back around just in time to see Embry lift Luna up and let her legs wrap around his waist before he jumped.

Was her Dad really letting her hang around those type of people?


Luna sat with her sister friends during lunch, a frown on her face. She didn't want to sit with them, but for some reason Bella made and her sister wasn't even around.

"I really did see something in the woods." Angela said, pulling Luna away from her phone where she had been texting Embry and the others for updates.

Eric grabbed her hand, "Totally. Baby, I believe you."

"No, he doesn't." Jessica said, "He's just trying to get lucky."

Angela continued her conversation, "No, okay. It was jet black and huge. On all four, it was still taller than a person."

Luna mentally cursed Sam in her head, but leaned up so that Angela could see her, "A bear maybe."

Mike pointed at the younger Swan, "Or an Alien. You're lucky you didn't get probed."

"You know, you're not the only one." Bella finally came over, pulling up a chair. "Our Dad's been getting reports at the station. Like, five hikers have been killed by some bear, but they can't find the bear."

The table was silent before Eric spoke up, "Last time you clowns doubt my girlfriend."

"You doubted your girlfriend." Luna raised an eyebrow.

Eric playfully glared at the seventeen year old and threw one of his grapes at her.

"Do you guys want to go see Face Punch?" Bella asked.

"Face Punch yeah!" Eric exclaimed, "Mike, hey, we were supposed to watch that. Remember, the trailers like." He made punching motions, "Punch faces."

"Yeah!" Jessica said, "Movie night with Bella."

"Count me out." Luna said.

"You're going." Bella told her little sister.

"I can't even get in!"


Luna had never been so awkward in her life as she was now, standing next to Mike and Jacob. It wasn't the Jacob part that was making it awkward, Mike and Jacob were making it weird towards each other.

"It's just us four." Bella walked back over, explained why the others couldn't come to see the movie.

The whole time in the movies it was awkward and there was so much tension that you could cut it with a freaking knife. Luna also spent half of her time texting Embry, Paul and Jared, all of them telling her to keep an eye on Jacob.

Its was almost time for him to shift.

"I gotta go to the bathroom." Luna mumbled to Jacob, who nodded before she stood and left.

Coming out of the bathroom, she found Jacob storming out of the Cinema and Bella sitting on the stairs.

"Where the hell is he going?" Luna asked, turning to her sister.

"I-I don't know." Bella frowned, "He said he wasn't feeling good, and he was burning up. I'm just waiting on Mike to finish throwing up, again."

"I'm just gonna walk home." Luna told her older sister before turning to leave, already pressing her phone against her ear with Sam's number on speed dial.


"Uh, Sam. I would get to Billy and Jacob's if I were you. Jacob just left the movies in a rush and according to Bella he was burning up." Luna rushed across the street to where Embry had been parked for a few minutes now. "I think he's about to shift."

"Alright, thanks for the heads up."

"No problem." She said before hanging up.

"What's wrong?" Embry frowned, looking down at his girlfriend.

"Jacob's about to shift."

|1,026 words|

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