Chapter 6

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As much as I tried to remain dignified and not stare, it was a little difficult. The room was wall to wall bodies, all of them in nothing but their little panties. Leaning on the wall in the tiny corridor next to the area was the woman that had seen Silas last night. She was reluctant to hand over any information.

"Look, it's not beyond me to extract information out of you in the most painful way possible. Considering that you're standing here with those mountains pointing in my face, I'm inclined to go with a little twisting the details out. Are we on the same page here?"

The girl covered her chest, hiding her breasts from me.

"I ain't givin' him up to no cop, alright?"

"I'm not a cop. I am a representative that has been asked by his family to locate him. Where is he?"

"He's a good guy; you can't go makin' him do something he doesn't want to do."

"Prostitution is not legal in this province."

Her eyes widened, glancing at Shelly.

"It is, the new leader,"

"Actually, the new leader, as in Silas's nephew, said that while he's happy to leave the laws regarding prostitution as they are, he's not prepared to let women suffer."

"I ain't sufferin'."

I smiled sweetly at her.

"Of course not. Because he paid you to give your body to him and his perverse needs."

"He didn't." She protested. "He ain't like that."

For a moment, I frowned. Unsure of what she meant, still confused as to why she was protecting him.

"He just has a massage, said he's got a lot of worries. He even said I could put my clothes on if I wanted."

She shrugged, still clutching her chest like she feared I'd hurt her. Which for the record, I would.

"I didn't, mind you. Always hope that if they see us naked, then they might want more. He paid me as if we did though."

"So, you're saying that he comes in here for tension relieving massages but no fornication?"

What a snore.

"Yeah. He's a proper gentleman."

"Of course he is," I muttered.

I could point out that on my path from the hotel room to this place I'd passed a few massage parlors, ones that could be considered wholesome. If he wasn't in this place for the prostitution then why was he here?

"Did he say where he was going?"

The girl shook her head. I moved, and she jumped with fright, clutching the ample flesh tighter. It wasn't my intention, I just shifted the weight from one foot to the other, but I could roll with what happened because of it.


She paused, her eyes widened, and her hand clamped to her mouth. I knew she was holding something back, so I went with the flow. The heaving flesh that bounced out was ready to be twisted; my thumb and fingers were primed for their target.

"He's what?"

She shook her head, fear filling her face.

"Tell me now, or you are going to feel it."

"He's here." She groaned quietly.

My hand dropped to my side; I stared at her.

"Take me to him now."

Into The Wild ~ Book 3 ~ The Royal Blood CollectionWhere stories live. Discover now