Chapter 14

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The hand was cold to my touch. Slowly it clutched mine and on my father's face, I saw the weak smile. He was far worse than the last time I'd seen him. Now a haggard appearance, skin hung from his bones. Moving seemed difficult for him, everything was slow but I didn't mind at all. I was happy just to be here with him, one last time.

"You are just like your mother," He rasped. "Defiant."

"I had to return."

"We said our goodbyes, Dahlia. It is too dangerous for you to be here. When the spies learn of my failing health, they will report back to their master. Before you know it, we will be surrounded and I do not want you or your mother to fall to a monster."

"I will keep mother safe, I promise."

He nodded.

"I know you will. You are strong, far more than I could ever predict."

His hand lifted, urging me closer.

"My child, when the day comes and the unthinkable happens, do what is right. I know that you will remain here, even though I wish that you wouldn't. Be strong, do not give in to their demands."

The doctor walked in and gave me a stiff nod. He began looking over the print out that was coming out of the machine and then turned to my father.

"I know that it is time."

"Your attitude towards life is somewhat negative." The doctor responded.

"The positive statements that you offer are fine for inspirational posters, but not for this old man. My heart is weak, it cannot withstand another moment in this world."

I don't think that any of our hearts could take another moment in this world. At least, mine couldn't. His final moments were spent humming a tune until he stopped and the heart machine that was beeping in the background changed to that horrible long beep.

"My condolences, your highness."

"Thank you, Asa. Have the flag lowered, please. Let the people know that their beloved king has died."

My father's advisor nodded and then turned out of the room. I looked at the doctor who was writing something down on the chart.

"His heart was weak?"

"I have no plausible diagnosis for the condition. An autopsy will be performed. In the meantime, keep a low profile and feed off the street. Maintain an unregulated diet."

"You think that he was poisoned?"

"I see the other provinces fall to a power hungry leader that is out for revenge."

"My father had nothing to do with Maelen's death."

"Then I hope that you are able to tell that to the king before his army sweeps through here and takes down you and your mother."

Me too.

If I'd known that this would be the future, I would have said something when I was seated at the table with him. It had never occurred to me that poisoning might have been an option.

As for going into that place, I did what I had to so that I could maintain the lie. I was not a princess, I was just a mercenary that was good at her job. Hiding the truth was necessary, especially when I was faced with a formidable foe. He didn't know who I was and for that, I was grateful.

Leaving the doctor and his staff to tend to my father's body, I wandered through the house that had once been my home. It still was, of course, but it felt lifeless now that my father was gone.

I found my mother in the corridor. She'd been standing at the doorway when my father passed. The moment that beep echoed through the room, she turned away.


She turned to face me, her eyes glassy and red. A smile was offered but it was full of grief and barely keeping the emotions in.

"I've spent months with the knowledge that this day was going to happen yet now that I'm here, it doesn't seem real."

"The doctor is worried that he was poisoned."

"Anything is possible, Dahlia. That is why you need to leave before someone comes after you, we both need to go. I don't want to be here without your father and if we stay then there is an extremely high risk that we will soon meet our maker too."

"No, we won't. I'm going to take a different approach to things. I will keep this province in our family name."

She turned back to the window, at the gates there was a solitary figure.

"The spies now know. By sunset, the army will be here."

"Then we must proceed with haste. I need to be placed as ruler before the army walks through those gates."

"You are already queen, you are the only child that we had."

"I know but to keep everything legitimate, we need to have a coronation. Have Asa organize everything quickly please."

Mother nodded and rushed down the grand staircase in search of Asa. I returned to the window and watched as the lone figure turned away. Yes, by sunset, we would have visitors.

"You will not consume my province," I whispered. "This belongs to my family, your father put my father in place here, a deal was agreed upon. I will honor that deal, but will you?"

Only time would tell as to how benevolent Alaric really was. The man that I saw at the table might not be the same when faced with a different situation. He wanted revenge and he wanted to consume everything. Well, damn him to hell. He was not taking down my family and he will not stroll into this place demanding things that are not his for the taking.

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