Chapter 31

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'I'm worried about Cameron,'Sharon said to Amelia. Amelia was helping Sharon pack for their trip to their hometown. In truth, Amelia was doing all the packing while she was trying to stop her from throwing away all her clothes. 'He's been down ever since that meeting with Matt. He's restless, getting up in the middle of the night and watching his previous games. 

And he won't talk about it. I've tried to get him to open up but he's soo stubborn. He'd either stay quiet or turned things sexual.' Like the other day. He had stopped her tirade with a kiss which became too heated too fast. She still blushed when she thought of it.

'Why are you blushing?'Amelia asked smilingly. 'Is it because of that thing I caught you and Cameron doing? In that room? Or the other thing? Or that day-'

'Amelia!'she exclaimed even as she giggled. Let's just say that Cameron tried to change her mind at the most inappropriate locations. Which reminded her of his stubbornness. His avoidance. Sighing, she threw herself onto her bed. 'Will he ever be willing to talk about it? I don't want it to fester. He'll definitely let it fester and probably limits his progress.'

'Maybe it will help if you don't pester him soo much. Let him stew on it. When he's ready to talk, he will,'Amelia suggested absently as she held a shirt up 'We definitely have to go shopping. We can't let the face of Elliot going out with this.' She threw the shirt as if disgusted.

'Hey, this is my favourite shirt. I've had it since forever. And please do not remind me,'she groaned as she rescued her shirt.  Technically, it's Cameron's but he won't miss it. And since she didn't know when she purloined it, it could have been forever. So who knows?

The face of Elliot comment was aimed at the ad for the photo shoot. It had been released a few days back. She had been shocked when she saw herself on the cover of a fashion magazine. It was one of the photos when she was still not smiling.  The outfit was soo chic and edgy. And her stance echoed her emotions, her bottom half showing strength while her arms depicted feminine. But it was her face that captured the attention. She had been looking away from the camera and her features were relaxed, flirting, mischievious, eager. She vaguely recalled this was when Cameron had promised her the ice cream.

In stupefaction, she read the words emblazoned under the picture. 'The Face of Elliot's new line'. Luckily, she had dressed down that day. Way down to the point where people couldn't see her hair. It was under a beanie. She'd bought the magazine and shoved it under Cameron's nose when she got into the car.

'What's this?'he asked her, not even looking at it.

'What's this?'she screeched in disbelief. She shook it into his face. 'This is the ad. You know, the one where I was forcefully drafted into without a contract? The one where apparently Elliot is soo enamored by me that he made me his 'muse'? The one where you forced a kiss out of me-'

'I didn't force a kiss out of you,'he finally cut in. 'And what is this about being the 'muse'?' He started reading the magazine. Elliot did an interview with the magazine too, describing his line and how he ''found'' her. 'He is very complimentary about you. I don't like the way some of it was phrased but I don't see why this should upset you.'

'It's because I didn't sign up for this,'she shouted, practically resisting the urge to strangle him. 'I didn't look for this-this role. I'm not represented by any firm. My interests are not protected. He could basically make a million out of me and I'll not be paid. He's probably complimentary in the interview since I'm free labor.

'And. My face is everywhere. This is just one magazine. What if the other magazines pick it up? I'll have to start caring about my looks, how I'm dressed. I don't want to do that! How do I learn, where do I buy-'

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