Chapter 35

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Being greeted by a wet, towel-clad Cameron was the best thing Sharon had ever woken up to. Water was slowly sliding down his chest, highlighting all the delicious muscles and tendons. The sunlight streaming through the window also made him look extra yummy. Frankly, she had never seen a sexier and more delectable sight in her life.

'Why are you looking at me like that?'he asked as he came to the bed for his usual morning kiss. Usually, it was a few minutes affair but today, it grew hotter and harder fast. Before she knew it, she was flat on the bed and he was over her, trying to get her undressed as fast as possible.

'Wait, wait,'she moaned breathlessly, reluctant to stop but it was the big day. The day of the wedding. 'Cameron. I have to get ready.'

'Do you have to?'he grumbled. releasing her. She stayed on the bed with him even as she righted her clothes. 'If you want to get ready, I'd advise you get at least 10 feet away from me. Or we're going to be doing more than sleep on this bed,' he growled, making her smile.

'You're particularly amorous today. Why? Is it because we haven't been together for the last week?' Yes, they'd consummated their relationship a few weeks back. It had been a particularly heated moment, during the period where he was trying to distract her. She was ready and he knew she was ready so it was a natural transition. Or she thought he did. He had, instead, beat himself up the next morning, thinking he'd forced her into it but she cleared his misapprehension. Well, it had taken Amelia and Scott to point it out to her but they worked past it. And they'd been sexually active ever since. He liked to push her past her comfort zone, owing to his promiscuous past, but he knew how to push and how far. It comforted her and made her more adventurous to know that he was looking out for her and had her best interest as heart.

'Made love,'he corrected. 'And yes. Plus I'd like to let off some steam in a more pleasurable activity in case we meet anymore of your fan club. I don't know how I'd react with all this pressure in me.'

'You have my permission to do anything to them, say anything, as long as there is no physical harm,'she allowed magnanimously, laying her hand on his arm. He had grown soo tense at the thought. She didn't like to know that they had such power over him. 'Plus I've planned some alone time for us after this trip.'

'You have?'he asked skeptically. She squirmed under his gaze. That had came out of the blue. She hadn't even thought that far ahead yet. All her thoughts were consumed with just getting past this wedding.

'Well, no. But I'm sure we could think of something if we put our minds to it,'she offered with a small smile. He chuckled and gave her a quick peck.

'I'm sure we could. It'll be our first trip as a couple. I can show you all the places that I'd been to. It'll be fun,'he said excitedly. She allowed him his excitement, knowing how much he liked showering her with things and experiences. She was getting excited too. 'Now go and get ready. I'm sure Amelia's chomping at the bit to see how you'd turn out.'

Suddenly the door burst open and Amelia came in with a horde of people. A horde was kind of an exaggeration but in her just awake state, it definitely looked like a horde. People just kept coming in. Sharon was proud to say that the first thought that popped into her head was to cover all of Cameron's deliciousness from all of the hungry, poaching women in the horde. And what did the man do? He just laughed and hugged her tight against his side, sheets and all. His towel was still loose!

'Amelia! What is going on? And who are all of these people?'Sharon demanded. Then, she shot a laser glare at all of the women. 'He's taken bitches.'

'Sharon, all that anger,'Cameron admonished softly. 'Where has it been in bed?' In response, she hits his thighs. And regretted it as soon as she hit it as it was like steel. She coupled that hit with a glare at him to hide the pain.

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