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I fired my gun at the target. I gnawed at my lip as I aimed and made most of my shots. The ones I missed were because my mediocre eyesight.

"You're a little off to the left babe." I jumped and saw Marcello and Leo walking down to the basement.

I smiled and nodded at the information I already knew.

"Always have been, probably always will be."

"Well I'm sure we could work on it," I shook my head quickly and he stopped.

"It's not my aim it's my sight. When I was twelve my doctor said I needed glasses and my mom said they were ugly. So... no glasses for me. It's not terrible but I usually guesstimate and considering I learned to shoot this way I've gotten pretty good."

I looked over my shoulder when I heard to response for a few moments. Leo's eyes were a little wide as Marcello continued to stare me down.

"It's no big deal. I can still shoot," I kept my gaze on them while aiming where I knew the target was and shot. I didn't have to look to know my shot was accurate.

I placed the gun down and looked at the men.

"Let me guess your mother wouldn't give you your inhaler either," Marcello said sarcastically. I leaned against the banister behind me and avoided his gaze.

"You've got to be fucking kidding me!" I jumped as he roared and stomped back upstairs.

I looked up as Leo threw an arm around my shoulder. I wrapped my arm around his waist and glanced up at him as he spoke.

"So, how come you never got glasses after your parents separated?"

We walked upstairs while we let Marcello cool down, "at twelve years old when your mom told you something was ugly it was set in stone. It just stuck with me. But everyone else looked fine in glasses I just assumed she meant me."

"Well! We'll get you some snazzy glasses and you'll look fine Bells." He patted me cheek and smiled down at me, I gripped his hand and squeezed it.

"Thanks Leo," and nodded his head as if saying 'of course'.

"I've gotta go to a few meetings and run around with the fucking Bianchi's acting up. Marcello has some papers and possibly a guy coming to talk about Marcello's business. So, try to get him to relax alright. Be safe, Bells." Leo kissed my cheek as a fair well and I waved him off.

I wrapped my arms around myself as my mind drifted to my brother. I couldn't help it after talking to Leo. He reminded me of Luke so much.

I pursed my lips as I thought back to grumpy pants upstairs. I mumbled to myself as I plotted a way to get him more... relaxed.

I tugged at the sleeve of my sweater as I walked up to Marcello's office. I had on fluffy socks and leggings tucked under them to ensure my warmth.

My hair hung in my face as I huffed it out of the way. My cozy attire and mess of curls would not deter me from my mission however.

I walked in without knocking and only realized after I had entered. Marcello didn't seem to mind but kept his focus on his paper work.

I licked my lips as I took in his body straining against his white button up. I knew he was angry right now so I refrained from jumping him just yet.

I sucked in a breath before confidently walking to his side of the desk. I gently pushed his paper down and urged him to lean back in his chair. He looked up at me suspiciously before grunting and complying.

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