Chapter 7

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Two weeks.

Two agonizing weeks since I escaped from the castle

Two long weeks since I saved my Organization from the attack.

Two weeks since my wolf has reacted to me.

Two weeks since I last saw my mate.

Two long ass weeks where I've been working to forget. Everyone knows something is up with me. They don't know what, but they assume it is something to do with my escape from the Alpha King or something. They weren't far off. 

To avoid thinking of him, I threw myself into my work. We have had rumors that the Alpha King is going crazy. Some claim his mate died, others say his mate ran away. The ones that worry me are the ones that say that the Alpha King is focusing all his attention on destroying me. I wouldn't but it past him.

Laurine entered my messy office, "Emma, we have new intel."

I sigh, "Lay it on me."

She reads her report, "The Alpha King has been attempting to capture our operatives to get information on our new location and how we escaped him the first time. According to Operative Wolf, he has captured someone with inside information. We need someone to go in the castle and free them or kill them."

My heart leaps into my throat. This is a chance for me to be close to my mate, to Alec. I shouldn't. The closer I get the harder it will be to leave. But I want to so badly. My wolf stirs once again and fights me for control. Go to mate is the one instinct driving me.

I stand up and walk over to Laurine, "How will someone get in?"

She leafs through the papers, "There is an opening for a maid."

I shake my head, "We would have to ask a witch for a potion to change their appearance and scent. We cannot take the risk they will be caught. Who do you think should go?"

Every fiber of my being wants me to yell ME, ME, pick ME. But I don't want to go to sleep, lose control of my wolf and end up in bed with my mate. 

Laurine stares at me, "We have no one ready. This is a time sensitive assignement and we literally have no one."

I shrug, "Then why are you here?"

She looks away, "We have you."

"No," I basically yell. I was proud of myself for not yelling yes.

Laurine practically pleads with me, "You have too. Glinda has a sister in that prison. There is a chance you can free all of his prisoners."

I wince. Her last argument hit home. I know that if one of my brothers were the one captured, I would do anything to free them. Glinda is technically my family now through Alec. We got closer these last two weeks. I guess I have to do it.

I give in, "Fine, I'll do it. Get Moira to do her thing to give my a new look and scent, make sure the scent part cannot be broken even by my mate."

Laurine gives me a sharp look, "It will have to be extra-power because your scent can almost always be scented by your mate. Talk to Moira about it. She is the best, but she will have to know the details."

I sigh, "Maybe Glinda can do it."

She shakes her head, "No, she is still recovering from the Alpha King's torture. I get shudders just thinking about the state she was in when she escaped. Go talk to Moira. She can keep a secret. It isn't good to keep everything to yourself."

I give her a sad smile, "That's my job, isn't it?"

With no further words, I take off in search for Moira. If I am to take this mission, I cannot in any case be scented by Alec. If he catches me, his wolf will force him to mark me immediately or lock me in his room. I am not ready to deal with a super possessive Alpha King wolf, not today and not tomorrow.

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