Chapter 1.5: escape part 2 and regrets

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Finally I've reached the town but I need to find a way off this island.
Why? Well the island is pretty small with only like two towns and a couple of small communities and the rest of the island is covered in a thick forest that's fill with Grimm  regrets
So there's only a handful of places I can hide I would hide in the forest but I wasn't fed much so I have a small frame and I'm not that strong so I'd probably be killed by a beowolf or something
And since my "family" are mostly huntsman they'll find me pretty easily here

That being said I need to find a boat or something but it pretty late now I think so there's probably no one using a boat right now.

(Y/n): "well I could find somewhere to sleep while I think a little"

Then it hit me

I could hide on a boat and sleep there and when I wake up I'll be somewhere else!

I started to run towards the docks and I found a boat I hid in a small compartment in boat it was a little tight but I need to stay here

Slowly I started to feel tired and soon enough I feel asleep

(POV change: summer)

We finally got to the restaurant the drive over here was very uncomfortable crow are raven looked very pale while I crept quiet and looked out the window of the van it didn't help that tai, ruby, and yang kept talking about what just happened but once we started to walk in they stopped talking about her and we sat down and ordered what we wanted

Summer: "guys I need to tell you something"
I hope they listen

Ruby: "what is it mom"

Summer: "I think we should stop hurting (y/n)"

Tai:"what why?"

Summer: "i just think we went a little to far tonight"

Crow: "a little? No what we did was way too far from what we usually do"

Tai: "what are you trying to say crow?"

Crow: "what I'm saying is that we've gone to far tonight and I don't think we can keep doing this to her"

Tai: "alright I'll think about it"

Raven: "no tai there is no thinking about this if you or the girls hurt (y/n) again I'm leaving"

Yang: "WHAT MOM" she was ignored by everyone

Tai: "ugh you know what FINE I'll stop just don't expect me to treat her like she's my daughter"

Summer: "thank you tai and girls I don't want you hurting her either"

Yang+ruby: "fine"

Don't worry (y/n) everything will be better from now on, we will be better

(Time skip)

We were now heading home after eating and we even ordered (y/n) some food and dessert since we haven't fed her in awhile

As we walk in called her down to the living room but after awhile of waiting she doesn't respond and we didn't hear open the door to her room

At this point I was starting to get worried so I went up to her room to check on her to see if she's ok but when I got there I started to panic

Summer: "(Y/N)'S NOT IN HER ROOM!"

after I said that everyone started to look around the house but after checking everywhere we realized that she not here

Summer: "no no no NO! Sh-she has to be near here somewhere!"

Raven: "summer calm down we'll find her me and crow are going to check the forest you guys look around here for any note or indicator as to where she might be going"

After she said that we look all night for anything even just a simple note but we found nothing

(Time skip and POV change: (y/n))

I woke up to the sound of someone yelling and when I opened my eyes I was met with two pairs of angry and confused eyes

Stranger1: "hey kid what the heck are you doing in there"

(Y/n): "uuuummm"

Stranger2: "get outta there kid"

I did as the man said and got out and stretched earning some pops and cracks and some pain from the sore spot on my body

Stranger2: "alright kid come with us we're taking you to the vale police they'll help you find your family"

Wait did he say vale police then that means that we're at vale I felt myself get even more excited but that quickly died down when I realized he wanted to take me to the police

Stranger1: "come on kid we don't have all day"

She told me to follow and I did for a little but once we reached a corner on the streets I ran in the other direction they tried chasing me but I activated my semblance and was able to escape

And yes I did discover my semblance I found when I tried running away from an angry yang after ruby messed with her hair and blamed it on me painfully enough that's also when yang discovered her semblance

After I escaped those two strangers I found myself get excited and kinda scared mainly because this was a huge Change in my life I had never been this far from home and now I'm alone to but what's the worst that can happen I'll be fine

Hey guys and girls this took me some time next chapters going to just be us going through (Y/n)'s life on a usual basis mainly her running her bakery and her thinking about her life both her past and present and duty and something wired at the end

And so I'll see you guys in the next chapter (which will be a full chapter)
Also no one has vote for a love interest so I might chose Pyrrha or velvet
But if you guys don't want either of them then please vote.

This was 1000 words.

Remnants bakery | abused and neglected female reader x rwbyOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora