Chapter 4

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Chapter Four

"So you're going on a date with a guy you met less than three hours ago?"

Erin peeked out the huge walk in closet where she was busy hunting for her shoes and peered at Kim who was currently perched cross legged on her bed surrounded by dozens of outfits discarded for being inappropriate. She had not packed for pleasure on this trip, most of her clothes were either too business like or way too casual for a dinner date and she'd finally had to call the hotel boutique and asked for several dresses to be sent up. Then she'd called for back up in the form of her good friend Kimberly Horton to help in choosing something appropriate.

Much as she wanted to impress Dr Haskell, Erin was didn't want to come across as too eager and thus she needed to find that perfect outfit that screamed chic but not trashy, available but not desperate.

"Is something wrong with that?" She asked, adjusting the towel wrapped turban style around her head. "It's just dinner- not like I'm gearing up for a night of wild sex and sin."

Kim shrugged slim shoulders and bit into a chip, chewing for a moment before she replied. "Not wrong for me. But it's so completely out of character for you. I mean, you're always so cautious and over analyze every single thing. For heavens sake, it takes you a good fifteen minutes to decide on what flavor of ice cream you want. Now you're going out with a total stranger."

"I do not analyze everything, I simply like to make sure I'm making good decisions. And Todd's not a total stranger. He's my dad's surgeon and we talked for a while before he asked me out."

"Yes, for all of five minutes." Kim swung jeans clad legs off the bed, moving to the mirror and checking her reflection. "He better be hot though, for all this effort you're putting on just for one date."

I wouldn't be adverse to another date if this one goes well. Erin thought. And another...and maybe a night of sin if things worked out perfectly. Todd Haskell looked to be the kind of guy she wouldn't mind rubbing parts with. She spotted the box containing the purple Louboutin shoes she'd bought last week during the shopping expedition with Nicky and held them up for Kim' approval, face flushed with the exertion of around getting ready and a frisson of excitement at the evening ahead.

"What do you think of this one?" Erin asked, "I kind of like it, it'll go well with that." She gestured towards the black jersey wrap dress draped over the couch- one of the selections the boutique had sent up- and the only dress that had gotten an endorsement from her fashion conscious friend. "It's not too dressy is it?"

Kim pursed full red lips and scrutinized the shoes through the mirror, tapping a finger on high perfectly sculpted cheek bones. "I suppose this one's good." she finally said, turning around to look at Erin who'd sat down in front of the vanity and was in the process of applying makeup. "Where's Nicky anyway? I thought she was in Chicago?"

Erin sighed and put down the lipstick, her eyes clouding over with worry for Nicky. The mention of her cousin brought to mind the very depressing thought of Ethan Lachlan, something she had forgotten in the excitement of getting ready. She had tried calling Nicky several times since leaving the hospital, but each time the call had been routed to voice mail. She was worried for her cousin, worried that Ethan had said something to hurt Nicky. Erin gritted her teeth in frustration. First the bastard had put her father in hospital and now he'd upset her cousin, God only knew what he would do next- damn his vengeful soul. If Ethan thought he could make her come begging for belittling his precious ego, then he was mistaken. Come Monday, Erin planned on calling a secret meeting of the remaining board members still loyal to her father and discuss ways in which Ethan could be voted off the board.

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