chapter 11

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  Thanks to Mona-mae for the picture.                        

                   CHAPTER 11

"A helicopter?" Erin shrieked in disbelief, eyes wide in amazement as she stared through the windscreen at the black behemoth that sat on the simmering tarmac, looking like a giant wasp in search of prey. She tore her gaze from the sleek machine and turned to Ethan. "What the hell are you up to now?"

Ethan turned away to hide his grin at the look of pure disbelief on Erin's face. God! He loved riling her up this way, he thought to himself as he pulled the Maserati to a halt at the edge of the wide tarmac. He was aware of her eyes boring into his side, demanding answers, but Ethan chose to ignore her, focusing his attention instead on the man in a gray jumpsuit ambling towards them.

"Have you lost your ability to speak?" Erin snapped, impatience and anger emanating from her in waves. "What is the meaning of this Ethan? I thought we were going somewhere to have a talk?"

Schooling his features into a semblance of disinterest, Ethan turned to face her. He was glad for the mirrored shades he had slipped on earlier, as his body roared in lust, the urge to kiss her again strong within him. He was sure if she could see his eyes, the desire burning in them would be a dead give away of his true feelings.

"We are going somewhere Erin," Ethan replied, his tone brusque from the effort of masking his arousal. Damn, but he had nearly lost control of his senses when he had kissed her in the lobby. The sweet, intoxicating taste of her lips and warm lush body had nearly caused him to discard his plan and instead, sweep her into his arms, take her back to her apartment and make love to that lushness until she could barely walk.

It had taken every last vestige of control to pull away from her. Even more of an effort to not simply drive to his house or the closest hotel and finish what he'd started.

The man reached the car. Up close, Ethan could see the familiar craggy features of his chief pilot.

"Just in time." The pilot commented with an easy grin. "She's ready to take off soon as you guys are on board."

"We'll be inside shortly, thanks Keagan." Ethan nodded his appreciation. He could see the curiosity on Keagan's face as he took in the woman seated beside him and suppressed another grin. He could take a wild guess at the question running through the pilot's mind.

Who was she and why was Ethan taking her up in the copter? Ethan had never had a female on board on any of his previous trips-not even his PA had been allowed on, so he understood Keagan's surprise. Hell, he was even surprised at himself. Maybe he needed his head examined.

"If you think there's one chance in hell I'm getting on that...that contraption...then you are joking." Erin's words drew him from his thoughts.

Ethan dismissed the pilot and turned back to Erin, not hiding the smirk this time.

"Well, it's either you come with me Sweetcheeks, or you're gonna have to walk all the way home." He allowed his gaze to slide down to her legs, taking in the shoes on her feet. "I don't think those lovely shoes were made for long distance walking and right now, we're a long way from home."

Her cheeks turned pink under the onslaught of his gaze but the stubborn look remained. "I'll call a cab, even if I have to pay a fortune."

Amusement rippled through Ethan when he realized she still hadn't remembered. "Go ahead."

Erin shot him a dirty look, then reached for her purse. A puzzled look replaced the frown when her hands came up empty.

Ethan chuckled, thoroughly enjoying himself. "Lost something?"

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