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Chapter 15

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Marissa greeted me as she quickly approached the round dining table

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Marissa greeted me as she quickly approached the round dining table. "Thank you, Tabitha."

I set the other teacups down. They were ivory bone china with a pretty blue decoration that matched the antique Chinese teapot. "We have..." Marissa tried to announce to the girls again, drifting off, squinting at me because she had no idea what I'd brought in to serve them.

"Earl Grey tea," I whispered.

"Earl Grey tea," Marissa repeated again, louder. She rose up on her toes, drawing her shoulders inward and clasping her hands together. "Bergamot, lovely. So delicious."

I picked up a chair, drew it out from the table, and clanked it down loudly.

Again no response.

"Take a seat everyone, or else the tea will get cold," Marissa said brightly, clapping her hands.

Rosa moved toward us. "Valarie?" she said with a squeaky voice, waving her hand, and encouraging Valarie to move away from the other girls.

Yveta and Laurena shifted, their heels clipping against the floor as they flanked Valarie. They were pincering her in like predatory animals.

Valarie took a step back, half-twisted her torso, and pointed at the door. "I-I-I sh-should g-go f-f-f—"

"I just want to have a look, Valarie," Laurena said with a smile that didn't reach her eyes. She pointed at the sketchbook in the other girl's hands. "I want to see what all the fuss is about. My brother couldn't stop talking about your talent. And if you showed him, surely you're fine with me having a look through your doodles."

Anger lit me up, sharp-edged and burning bright. This was what I imagined the playground of a school could be like—a clique of girls bullying one another. Except these girls had diamonds and precious gems snaked around their necks or wrists, sparkling in their earlobes, custom-designed shoes, and haute couture dresses, instead of schoolgirl uniforms.

"Do something," I whispered to Marissa.

"I don't know what to do," Marissa confessed, shooting a furtive glance at Laurena over her shoulder. "I tried earlier, but they've taken to her like wolves. Laurena doesn't like the idea at all that her brother is interested in Valarie. It was just awful before...awful." Her blue eyes flicked to Valarie. "Laurena apprehended her half an hour ago, ordering her to join us, and she's just been goading her ever since, and forcing her to talk."

Laurena's voice rang out. She spoke sweetly but there was iron threaded through her tone. "After all, Valarie, I am a Wychthorn from the Great House and nothing is denied me. So hand it over."

Valarie glanced down at the sketchbook in her hands, reluctance and apprehension scrawled across her expression.

Laurena snapped her fingers like she was ordering a dog around. "I don't have all day."

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