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Chapter 77

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My gaze snapped to the Deniauds' mansion, and there he was

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My gaze snapped to the Deniauds' mansion, and there he was. Varen drifted to a halt partway down the hallway when Marissa's brother, Sébastien, stopped to speak with him. Mei Purcell wrung her hands as she waited nearby, darting nervous glances at the Crowther heir. There wasn't a smile on his handsome face, just a dark glower, and he blatantly ignored Sébastien when he stretched out his hand in greeting.

What the hells had Varen been thinking repaying the massive debt I owed the Deniauds, without considering how that might look for me, a servant?

Panic chilled my blood to ice.

Cold sweat broke out across the nape of my neck.

I pulled my spoon free from its place tucked into my jacket's belt. The feel of its smooth wooden curves beneath my fingers brought comfort in my moment of turmoil.


I twirled my spoon around in a frantic arc, faster and faster, as I desperately tried to figure out what to do.

I needed to speak with Varen, without anyone seeing us, and get him to understand the perilous position he'd placed me in.

Surely, then, he'd leave the Deniauds'.

Surely he'd understand there'd never be an us.

The shrill noise of the whistle calling half-time on the soccer match rang above the chaotic whoops of joy, laughter, and cheering, and cut through my fretful thoughts. I startled with a jolt and hastily spun away from Varen and the mansion.

Parents swooped onto the playfield to scoop up their kids into hugs or swing them on top of their shoulders. Oswin quickly strode out to help Dolcie chase down her toddler, who was more interested in kicking the ball toward the wrong goalpost than stopping for a glass of juice.

A small crowd began to collect around the long tables laden with snacks and drinks. The girls who worked under Aunt Ellena poured out glasses of water and juice and offered freshly cut orange slices to the younger children noisily gathering around the tables like a flock of chirping birds.

I backed away to give them room and to fortify my skittish nerves.

My ponytail shivered with the motion as I snapped my spine straight. Sucking in a slow, deep breath, I took another, keeping pace with the slap of my wooden spoon upon a clammy palm.

Everything was going to work out just fine. I'd make sure of it. That's what I did. Fix things. Hide things.

Hellsgate, I was an other hiding in plain sight.

Not a single soul knew about my friend in Ascendria who happened to be a Horned God.

And from seven years of age, I'd been competent enough to take care of my aunt and keep anyone from discovering that thing inside of her.

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