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The room before her was as tiny as a shoebox

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The room before her was as tiny as a shoebox. You could barely fit the hammock that hung wall to wall in there. Inside there was only a trunk with her bag atop of it and a couple of cleaning supplies she figured for her to clean the ship. She may be naïve but, she wasn't totally stupid and knew staying here came at a price.

"You'll sleep here", Orbis said emotionlessly.

"Thank you", Buttercup whispered shyly while looking down blushing.

Buttercup rarely interacted with boys before. The only interactions she had was with her ex-fiance and he was very cruel. He had always put down her confidence, telling her she was a stupid girl who needed a man like him to guide through life and would even backhanded her when she disobeyed his direct orders. It was new to have such a large intimidating man be nice to her was new.

"To stay here you do the cleaning and cooking. When you cook my dinner you have to deliver it to my private quarters. Got it?"

"Yes", she said timidly.

Maybe he wasn't the nicest human shes ever met but, he was one of the nicest men she's met. She didn't really mind cleaning or cooking to be able to stay. Buttercup didn't want to be a deadweight to the pirates. That means they could at any time cut her off, use her as bait or sacrifice her. She didn't know what her life would become but, she didn't want that to be it.

"Go", Orbis shoved her into the room and he left down the hallway to his private quarters.

With that she decided to change into her night dress. His cold distant attitude scared Buttercup quite a bit but, her eyes felt heavy and drowsy so, she just decided to worry about it another day and fall asleep.

The white lace night dress fell to her ankles making her trip every time she tries to walk around in it. She tripped into the hammock that hung wall from wall.

As she laid in the hammock it swung back and forth with the boat making her stomach queasy. The waves weren't powerful enough to make her puke so, she gave into her drowsiness and close her eyes.

"Little lady wake up! Up! Up!", a hand was shaking her awake.

Buttercup's body shot out of the hammock causing her to slip and fall onto the floor. The pain that shot through her body caused to groan. For the first time she opened her eyes and saw the young man, Calvin from before on the deck staring down at her body on the floor. His eyes were full of guilt.

"Sorry little lady but, we've arrived in port of the city", he was very apologetic but, his voice was very stressed.

"Oh alright. I'll get dressed", she replied softly.

"Yes captain has laid out your dress for today. Hes bought is especially for you", with that Calvin turns and leaves her tiny room leaving her laying on the floor confused.

She could of swore that she just closed her eyes to sleep. Getting up from the floor and rubbed her backside hoping to help sooth the pain. With the blink of her eyes she found herself in the dress previously mentioned before by Calvin.

Looking down her eyes widened with shock when she saw it was a uncut, perfect version of the wedding dress she was going to walk down the aisle with. The bottom wasn't cut anymore and it was as beautiful and perfect as it was before.

Looking up there was even more of shocker than the dress she was wearing. She was standing in a church that was decorated in a very romantic floral way like a wedding. Her mother was standing up front with tears of joy running down her face. Buttercup was beyond confused as of what was happening. Then she saw him. Standing there in his fancy suit, his eyes piercing hers. That cocky smile like he knew what was happening in her head at the moment.

Of course Norman would know the torture he puts Buttercup through. It was pure enjoyment for him.

Her feet starting to walk backwards automatically but she ran into a huge wall. Looking up she saw the face of Orbis staring at her nonchalantly. He grabbed her elbow and pushed her forward.

"No please Orbis. Don't do to me", she was on the verge of tears at this point.

The grip on her arm hurt immensely as she was forcefully pushed to her future husband.

"It's Captain to you", with one last push by him she was forced to stand before Norman.

She turned to look at his back fading into the distance with tears in her eyes. Her stomach felt very queasy like she could throw up her intestines on her fiance. Her body began to pummel to floor. All the sudden everything was black.

Opening her eyes her whole body felt in pain as she shot up and looked around. She saw she was still laying in her shoe box room on the ship. She felt relief. It was the only thing she felt in this moment.

She gathered her night dress in her hands as she felt her stomach writhe in pain. She was going to puke all of what she ate before. The rocking motion of the ship didn't help her nauseousness anymore.

Jumping to her feet she winded in and out of the hallways of the ship desperately trying to remember where the stairs are. She slowly descended up the stairs towards the top deck in a mad dash. Once she reached the top deck she raced to the railing and released her stomach's contents.

Once she's released it all she felt a wave of tiredness hit her and she laid half awake on the top deck. Her soft blonde hair spread around her head that laid on the cold damp deck.

Buttercup was quickly lifted in the air by strong tan arms that wrapped around her small torso. A delicate was placed on her forehead which willed her to sleep.

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