Chapter 12- Ripping Off the Band-aid

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I would like to point out (because of everything I've seen over the course of the time on the previous chapter) that I realize a lot of you feel like Alarik cheated. In a way, it could be classified as that. 

However, Allison told him that she didn't really want anything to do with him. She said that there wasn't going to be a them and that they should live their lives as they had done. It may not have been the smartest move on his part especially if he does care at all about her, but it's what she said. He was essentially rejected by her without the actual words and it hurt him. 

Like I said, probably not smart of him, but everyone handles things differently.

Now onto the story!


Jason had come home with me after school had gotten out. He had insisted on catching up after the long summer break. I had no issues with that, I needed something to clear Alarik out of my head and I think Jason was just the cure. I had told told that we should just continue on with our lives as normal, and I had meant it.

Alarik and I would never be able to have a stable relationship, it had nothing solid to stand on. Jason and I weren't rock solid, but we definitely weren't on quick sand either.

We kicked our shoes off at the door and ran upstairs to my room. I plopped onto my bed with an exaggeratingly loud sigh.

"Oh really?" Jason asked. I could hear the smile in his voice as he looked at me, could practically hear him shaking his head.

"Mhm." I stared up at my cieling, frowning.

I felt Jason slide onto the bed next to me, his eyes practially burning a hole right through me.

"You know," he started. "You look hot when you frown like that." His finger traced his finger around one of my frown lines.

"You think I look hot all the time," I teased. It was pretty much true though. It was like Jason's go to thing to say that I looked hot.

"That's not true, I think you look beautiful when you smile."

I nearly slapped his chest.

"You're not supposed to do that," I warned him.

"Do what?"

"Be nice to me," I whispered as I turned my head to look over at him.

"Aren't I always nice to you?"

"No, not always. Sometimes you can be a real jerk." I said through a grin.

"Well how about I apologize for all those times?" Jason asked as he closed the distance between our lips, pressing his lightly to mine.

The kiss was sweet, tender. It was nothing like the hormone filled urgency and lust I had felt with Alarik.

I grabbed the hem of his shirt in both my fists and rolled, bringing him over me. His tongue flicked my lips, asking for me to open up for him. I allowed him in and the kiss grew more intense, but it still lacked that fire I had felt with Alarik.

Jason bit my bottom lip, sucking on it as his hands slid under my shirt. His hand slowly worked it's way up, cupping me through my bra before sliding under it, massaging the tender skin there. I started to get harder as he pinched, rolling the bud between his fingers. I let out a soft moan.

Jason's mouth moved to my neck, trailing his teeth along the soft skin. His other hand slid down my body, resting on my thigh. It slipped to the inside, slowly moving up the rest of my leg.

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