Chapter 15: Morning After Part 1

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-Heather's POV

I sigh feeling the heat of the sun on my face waking me up. I run my hands over my face to wake me up. I relax into the silk satin sheets below my hands. Wait, silk sheets?? I open my eyes to look around the room noticing I am not in my room. This room has dark tones, it's definitely a mans bedroom. Oh, what did I do last night? At this point I am glad I don't get hangovers like normal people would. I then feel something shift on my stomach realizing someone is holding me. My heart begins to race so I slowly turn my head around to see who is holding me so securely... Xavier? Oh shit.

I gently lift his arm from my waist and slide out of bed. When I stand up I realize I am not in my clothes. I am wearing a white dress button down shirt and last night red lace panties. I press my hand to my chest to calm down my erratic breathing. I look back at the extremely attractive man still sprawled out in bed. His back on full display with his lean muscles and toned body. I begin looking around his room. I walk into his huge closet where I fine my short shorts and black top from last night. I begin putting back on my outfit however I put his dress shirt back on buttoning it up and tucking it in my shorts. I throw my hair into a messy bun and look at his gigantic mirror. Hmm... not bad. I tip toe out of his room and shut his door gently. I sigh and place my head against his door. What happened last night? Did Cami get home okay? How did Xavier find me? How did I end up here? Did I do anything?? My thoughts still running wild when I feel some arms wrap around my waist.

"Angel!" I look down to see Luca wrapped around me. I smile and calm down my breathing.

"Hi Lil Man" I say lift him up and placing him on my hip. Realizing how close we are to Xavier's room. I step away from it.

"When did you get here Angel?" He says tilting his head questioning me. I clear my throat and smile.

"Hey, are you hungry?" I ask avoid his question. He nods his head at me before wrapping his arms around my neck hugging me. "Well buddy, where is your kitchen?

He leads me to the beautiful kitchen and I sit him down on a bar stool while I go to the other side of the island. I like this kitchen, it has a homey feel to it compared to Xavier's room which screams man only. "So lil man, what sounds good?"

He taps his chin and looks deep in thought which causes me to grin. "Pancakes!" He says jumping in excitement. I start walking around the kitchen to collect the necessary ingredients. I lay them all out on the island in between us. He looks at all of it and smiles.

"Well, I can't do this with out some help." His eyes light up and he gets excited and jumps down from his seat. I chuckle watching him come over to my side. "Do you have a step stool."

We look around until we end up just using a stool. I place him right beside me. I first put the flour in a cup and then let Luca scoop the next cup. He looks like a kid on Christmas smiling... I wonder if anyone has ever done this with him. I kiss his head and he returns the jester by kissing my cheek. I get the eggs and crack it on the side of the bowl. I hand one to Luca and he tries however the egg splatters everywhere and his smile falters. I take another egg and guide his hand this time. He cracks it perfectly and smiles wider if it is possible. He hugs me tightly.

"Your doing great lil Man, now it's time to mix." He lets go and turns back around.

Ding Dong

"I'll get it Angel." Luca says jumping off the stool running towards the door. "Uncle Theo!"

I hear his footsteps coming back towards the kitchen. I look up to see Theo walking by with sunglasses on and his hair disheveled. I smirk as he continues walking by as Luca comes back to me.

"Alright Lil Man, you ready?" He nods his head and I stand behind him with my hands on his as I help him whisk the mix. After a few minutes its ready. "Good job buddy. I'll do the next part."

He claps his hands as I walk over to the stove. I begin making the pancakes. Luca is setting at the island watching me. Once the pancakes are done, I turn off the stove top and plate the pancakes placing extras off to the side for Xavier and Theo. I cut up Luca's for him and then put some syrup over them.

I walk over to the dining room with our plates in hand. I make us a few glasses of orange juice and then sit down. Luca surprises me by sitting on my lap. I giggle but let him continue sitting there. He begins taking bites of the pancakes so then I do too. They tasted good.

"My lil man is a great chef!" I say exaggerating a bit which causes him to laugh.

"Thank you!" He says chirping and straightening his back proudly. I rub my nose against him causing him to giggle again. "That tickles Angel."

"Oh Really??" I say with a grin while he nods. I pull my arms up high and watch as his eyes get wide. I tickle him all over causing him to burst out in a fit of laughter until he can't breathe. I stop and watch him recover. I couldn't help the happiness I felt and the happiness I see in this lil boy. He makes me happy... I once again rub my nose against his before turning him back around to let him eat. I kiss his head and look up not realizing the two men that were standing at the entrance.

They both are smiling wide. Xavier has on a white V neck T-shirt and some sweatpants. Theo is wearing a black T shirt with some white jean shorts and his glasses are on top of head. I tilt my head at them which causes them both to shake their heads. I shrug and continue eating my pancakes.

"Dad, Uncle Theo! Angel taught me how to make pancakes! We made you guys some!" Luca says pointing towards the stack of pancakes. Xavier's eyes never leave mine as he walks over to Luca and I.

"These look great Luca, good job buddy." Theo says grabbing a plate and making his.

My eyes continue to watch Xavier come over to us. He places his hand on the back of my chair and the other on the table beside me. He leans down and opens his mouth. Luca pops a bite in his mouth making Xavier and me smile. He moans and then kisses Luca's forehead. He then looks into my eyes. I continue looking at his electric blue eyes and getting lost in them. He is only an inch away from my face. If I just lean a little more-

"You guys look adorable." Theo chirps up causing me to blink a few times and shake me out of my trance. I clear my throat and turn my head back towards the pancakes. I hear Xavier take a deep breath before pushing off the seat and walking into the kitchen to make his own plate.

I look up to Theo setting down in front of me putting his sunglasses back on. I chuckle knowing he is definitely feeling hungover. "So Angel how are you feeling this morning?"

I take a sip of orange juice and notice he is looking at me intently. I nod my head at him. "I don't get sick like most people due after drinking juice. " I say emphasizing juice.

"Lucky." He snorts before taking a bite of the food. "Mmm, this is really good buddy."

Luca grins up and then continues to his own breakfast while I rub his back. Xavier pulls out the chair sitting beside me. He places his arm around the back of my chair while drinking coffee with the other. I look over at him and give him a small smile while he winks at me. I can feel the heat creeping up my neck. He leans over and kisses the side of head lingering for a few seconds. I close my eyes feeling the electricity from the simple gesture. I open my eyes to see him leaning back in his chair. I look over to see Theo smiling smugly at us which just causes me to roll my eyes.

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