Chapter 8

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The next couple of days were much more relaxed since Leo was out of town. I actually paid more attention to my classes and got the majority of my homework done so I wouldn't have much to do over the weekend.

Leo and I had been texting the past couple of days here and there. Through the messages, I learned more about him than previously which was an extreme improvement. I appreciated the fact that Leo understood that I wanted to get to know him better before our relationship moved further, and he seemed to enjoy getting to know me better as well.

I hated to admit it but I was beginning to miss him a little bit. I had really only been in contact with him for a couple of days, but he already had made such a big imprint in my life. I was starting to get a little crush on the future Mafia Don.

Today was Friday and I was currently on the way home from school with Elena, Claire, and Victoria. We were all going to my house so they could help me get ready for my date later.

My mom liked the idea that Leo and I were going on a date, and I could see the hesitation in my dad's eyes but he was okay with the idea after my mom talked to him.

For a while the girls and I sat around my room, gossiping and eating snacks before I realized that Leo was picking me up at 7 and it was already 5:30.

"Alright ladies, let's get started working on this mess," I told them gesturing to my now wrinkled school blouse and smudged mascara.

"Well first things first, you've gotta shower dude," Claire said pinching her nose in joking way.

"Ha ha you're so funny," I told her rolling my eyes.

Elena smirked, "Oh and make sure you shave."

My eyes widened at her comment and I threw a pillow off of my bed at her.

Victoria laughed, "Make sure you get everywhere." She winked at me, which earned her a pillow to her face as well.

"La la la not listening anymore you sickos," I said holding my fingers to my ears while walking into the bathroom.

I got into the shower and began to get nervous for the date. I had never been on one before so I didn't know what to expect. What do I do if it gets awkward? Where is he even taking me?

I shook the thoughts away and tried not to stress myself about it. I finished the shower and was now clean and hairless.

I put on my pink fluffy robe and kept my hair in the towel to dry. When I walked out of the bathroom, I saw clothes everywhere and the girls stressing over what I was going to wear tonight.

"I like these jeans with this jacket," Claire said to Victoria.

"No no no, what if he takes her something fancy, then she'll be underdressed," Elena said shaking her head at the outfit.

"We need to find an outfit that could fit either possibility," Victoria told both of them going back to my closet and flipping through the clothes I had.

I rolled my eyes at them and picked up my phone to text Leo asking how I should dress.

Leo :)

Hmm, you'd look good in anything, but the occasion is casual and dress warm ;)

I blushed slightly at his text, before turning back to my friends, "Leo said to dress casual but warm."

They all rushed over to the closet digging through the clothes, meanwhile, I walked over to my vanity to begin doing my makeup. I applied a full face of makeup with blush and contour. It was a date, I wanted to go all out for the occasion.

I took my hair out of the towel and grabbed my hair dryer to help make it dry quicker since we were now on a time crunch. It was nice and straight now, but I decided to go ahead and put it into a half up, half down style.

I was finished with all the beauty stuff while the girls were still working on finding me an outfit. I looked at the time on my phone seeing that it was around 6:40 now and Leo was going to be here at 7.

"Alright, ladies we gotta hurry this up because he's gonna be here in 20," I told them trying to hang up some of the clothes they had thrown onto the floor.

"Okay, we found your outfit!" Claire said walking out of the closet with Elena and Victoria.

They laid the outfit out on the bed and honestly I fell in love with it. It was a white knit, chunky sweater, blue mom jeans, and black booties with a little bit of a heel to add some height. Since it was freezing outside, I decided to layer it with a large, black fur coat. I put on some gold rings and a gold necklace with a crescent moon on it that my mom got me for my birthday a couple of years back.

I went into the bathroom to change and admired how I looked in the mirror. This outfit was definitely one that I would wear again in the future.

I walked out of the bathroom, "Okay ladies, how do I look?" I asked them posing.

There was a chorus of "you look so good" and "I love it" coming from the three of them.

"Thanks, ladies," I walked back over to my vanity to spray some of my Marc Jacobs perfume, "What time is it?" I asked them.

"It's 6:55," Victoria told me.

"Are you nervous Aria?" Elena asked me.

I sighed, "I kind of am, it's just people have always talked about how scary and mean he is, but he's acting like a completely different man with me. I'm scared that the rumors are true, that he is this monster who has no heart. I'm really starting to like him, but what if I end up regretting it?"

The girls all rushed over and hugged me. I guess I thought that I didn't really have anyone to talk to about these things, but I should've known that they would support me.

"Aria, people tend to just listen to the things that they hear from other people. I mean the majority of them haven't had an encounter with Leonardo before, they don't know him personally like you do. You can't let them dictate the way you feel about him," Claire expressed with a warm smile on her face.

Elena nodded, "Exactly like she said, keep in mind too that he's a future Mafia Don, he has to fit the role to the public. That's just how it is sometimes."

"Now you're gonna go on this date and have a fun time, then tell us all about it tomorrow at brunch," Victoria smiled at me.

"Thank you, I'm so happy to have you ladies in my life," we laughed at the unexpected sappy moment between us.

Then a knock came at the door, "Come in."

"Miss. Moon, Mr. Moretti is waiting for you downstairs," Mrs. Smith told me.

"Thank you, Mrs. Smith, I'll be down in a moment," I smiled at her.

I quickly gathered my purse with my phone, wallet, and gum and hugged all the girls before walking downstairs. They were gonna leave shortly after I did.

Once I finally reached the foyer my heart stopped. Leo stood there in black jeans, a black sweater, and black leather jacket, but he sure as hell looked good.

He looked like such a bad boy and I was digging not seeing him in his suit uniform like he was the last couple of times we hung out. I noticed him checking me out as well and I was happy to see that he liked my outfit choice too.

"Hey," he said almost breathless.


"Are you ready to go?" he asked me.

"Yeah let's go," I said smiling at him, before grabbing his hand and letting him lead me out the door.

I was excited to see what the night held for us. 


I'm sorry for the lack of updates this week, I had my finals and was super busy! I'm officially out for the summer so get ready for some more frequent updates!

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