Chapter 23

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I think I blacked out for most of the car ride because one second we were driving the streets of New York, and the next we were at my house. I was trying to keep my cool in front of Leo, but honestly, I was freaking out on the inside.

The fear from the moment the gun was placed against my head remained at the pit of my stomach, and I think it was only getting worse. That man could have shot me. I could have been dead right now. And as much as I'd like to think that Leo wouldn't have let it come to that point, no one would've been able to stop that trigger from being pulled.

The fear was somewhat less there when I was in Leo's arms in a closed space. However, the moment I got out of the car and was exposed to the open darkness that surrounded my house, I couldn't help but look over my shoulder every couple of seconds to make sure no one would snatch me up in the night. Luckily, Leo seemed to have noticed and he walked behind me which did wonders to ease my overthinking mind.

My parents weren't home as they were invited over to one of their friend's houses for dinner and cocktails. Therefore, Leo and I were alone in the giant, dark house. The same house that had plenty of spaces for someone to hide.

Before we could walk any further I stopped. My overthinking made me way too sketched out by the house. "Leo, do you think we could check the house just to make sure everything is... okay?" I asked him, keeping my head down, too embarrassed that I sounded like a little kid who was asking their parent to check under the bed for monsters.

I felt a hand underneath my chin, lifting my head up to meet a gorgeous pair of blue ones. "Of course we can sweetheart. How about we do it together?"

I nodded my head at his question and that's what we did. We went through every room, bathroom, and closet in the house, Leo holding my hand the entire time we did it. My mind was able to chill knowing there wasn't anyone lurking around anywhere. Plus the guards at the entrances eased my mind definitely as well.

The last room we checked was mine, and when we got there Leo led me to the bathroom immediately. He turned on the shower while I awkwardly stood there.

He used his hand to check the temperature of the water, "Okay, the water is hot like you love it. I'll find you some pajamas and you can shower while I do that." He told me, placing a kiss on my forehead before moving to exit the bathroom. Before he could, I grabbed his wrist stopping him.

"When you come back, can you stay here with me?" I felt comfortable with the house, but there was no way I wanted to be alone anywhere at the moment.

He nodded, "Of course, I'll grab the clothes and then I'll come back in here. Is that okay?"

I let out a quiet 'yeah', and he walked out of the room, giving me a chance to get into the shower. The water was hot, just how I liked it and my heart warmed at the thought that Leo remembered such an insignificant thing.

As the coconut smell from my shampoo invaded my senses, I couldn't help but think about how quickly things change. Less than 24 hours ago we were enjoying Leo's birthday, which was such an amazing night, and then I was being held against my will by a man who was threatening my life for some money. Life works in mysterious ways.

I whipped my head towards the door when I heard a knock on it. The door wasn't closed in the first place, but it was Leo coming into the bathroom with my clothes. I was confused at how Leo was able to find the pajamas so quickly in the closet, but that was the least of my worries.

"Can I come in?" he asked me, keeping his gaze locked on the ground.

"Yeah," I called out to him.

I observed him as he walked across the marble tile, placing the clothes on the countertop before taking a seat on the toilet next to him. I noticed him pull out his phone before he started doing something on it.

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