Chapter 12. His Darkness

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Truly, it is in the darkness that one finds the light, so when we are in sorrow, then this light is nearest of all to us.

~Meister Eckhart

Ariana's POV

I felt my heart hammering in my chest loudly as I took backward steps.

"You''re a..."

Words just won't come out of my mouth. Terror clawed each inch of my soul by just staring into his golden-red eyes. A lone ray of light fell on the sharp canines of his mouth.

"Get out of here, Ariana," Daniel pleaded. His voice was filled with pain and torture which made me stop dead on my tracks.

The Daniel I know would never plead to me for anything and if he's doing this then something is definitely wrong.

My eyes took into his features. Daniel's expression was that of torment. His wrist were struggling to get rid of the chains but at the same time, he was trying hard not to move. It was like his body was moving on it's own and he didn't have any control of his actions. His hair was wet with sweat as they dripped from his head down his body.

His usual blue eyes had turned golden-red indicating who he truly is-A vampire/werewolf hybrid. Hybrids are considered to be an imbalance of two species and an abomination to the nature's law. They're killed the moment they're found alive so that they don't continue the lineage. Though, In order to give birth to a hybrid, both the parents should be hybrids too.

I gulped down the fear and took a brave step ahead,

"Daniel, are you okay?" I asked whilst my heart thudded so loud that I could practically hear them and I'm sure Daniel can too.

Daniel shifted uncomfortably against the chains.

"Don't come near me! Just get out of here!" his voice echoed in the study ringing in my ears like bells.

He wriggled against the chain, his posture looking lethal and I dare not move a step ahead but neither did I back away.

Everything in me screamed to run away but there was this part of me -so stubborn- that didn't agree to leave him here all alone, in this condition.

He was there for me when I was going through that horrible nightmare. And whatever his reason might be, he still managed to get me out of that fright. Even if he rubbed it in my face later, it doesn't change the fact that he unknowingly helped me.

So, with determination in my mind, I took a step ahead. This time with a much more steady heart.

"You don't look fine," I took another daring step ignoring the sudden increase in my pulse.

"I. Said. Get. Out." He gritted through his teeth followed by a loud resounding growl which made me flinch back in fear.

I still stood my ground taking alert steps ahead until I was in front of him.

I was taking a huge risk here. A risk that could cost me my life. But I was willingly to take it. So that I can uncover the mystery that Daniel is—piece by piece.

By now, my pulse had increased ten fold and sweat beads formed on my forehead. I slowly and carfully bought my hand to place it on his shoulder.

"Daniel, you're not okay. Is this what Ariel was talking about?" I felt his muscles tense beneath my touch.

He stared at me through his golden-red eyes as his dark hair fell on his forehead making him look so much godly.

The next moment, everything happened so fast. Daniel broke the thick steel chains wound around his wrist with one powerful yank and gripped my waist in a harsh grip.

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