Chapter 31. Anthony's Past

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Anthony's POV

"You know why? Because you're a heartless man and you just know to hurt people. You won't know how I feel right now." Tears ran down Ariana's eyes like wave pool of water as she burst out in anger.

A chuckle eluded my lips as I stared at my stupid excuse of a mate in utter amusement.

This woman has no idea, does she?

I simply shook my head in dismissal and rest comfortably on the carriage's seat--ignoring the pathetic tantrums of the woman beside me. Although I was certainly ignoring her, that didn't mean her words didn't bother me a bit.

You won't know how I feel right now

I shut my eyes as Ariana's last sentence echoed in my head making me remind of the women who I loved from the bottom of my heart. The women who I met on that winter night. The woman who died in my arms.


I had just travelled to Iris from Veneton all alone. More like, I had ran off from my house along with my little sister. We were fed up of that house, of those people, of everything that reminded us about our misfortune. So what if we were loaded with money, It still didn't mean we were happy. Money isn't everything. It's the happiness and peace one feels which is the real wealth. But sadly, everyone didn't realise it.

"Brother...I'm feeling dizzy," Anne, my small sister, clutched onto my sweater jacket's hem.

I looked down at my seven-years-old little sister as she looked up at me with those brown eyes of hers which were shutting occasionally.

Its been hours since we have been standing here--under a lonesome street light, freezing with cold on a an isolated road, waiting for a public vehicle to arrive or atleast a single living soul to pass by so that we could ask them the way to the wolvesbane packhouse. It's my step-father, Richard's pack. Unlike mom, he had always been considerate about me and Anne. He cared for us like we were his own blood. And although I never knew who my real father is, Richard's always been a father figure to me. Anne is his daughter though but he's never considered me inferior to her. Mom neglected us after she rejected my step-father, but I know for a fact that he would always accept us.

The weather was cold. Too cold for Anne's little body to bear. And it was making me worried weather she would be able to make it alive until we reach the packhouse. I took off my sweater, crouched down to her height, and wrapped my jacket around her little body before picking her up in my arms. She rested her little head on my shoulder wrapping her tiny arms around my neck.

I regretted bringing her with me. She was too small to be carelessly brought out in the cold. But how could I neglect my small sister like our mom did with us? Mom just left me and Anne alone in that huge mansion with loads of nannys and servants to take care of us. I knew she never really wanted kids, she had said that herself. She said me how I was a 'mistake' she never wanted. But she didn't regret having me since I was an open ticket to her for getting enormous wealth which was given by my real father so that she won't ever say to anyone who my father is. The other reason I'm here is to find out about my real father.

The cold snow falling on me made me shiver as it came into contact with my skin which was now bear of any clothing except a single cotton shirt. I held Anne tighter in my arms so that the little soul doesn't feel anymore colder. I could hear Anne's breathing turning shallower increasing my heart rate. I have to find shelter soon. But I can't see even a single soul here. What do I do?

With little Anne still in my arms, I frantically looked around. Was there not anyone out here who could help us? I was in distraught due to Anne's worsening condition. And then she came into my life like an angel sent from heavens.

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