XLIII | Peaceful and Beautiful Times

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Alexander bolted up from his seat abruptly as though he had met with an urgent matter, frightening Isabelle. She paused slightly before lifting her head. "What's wrong?"

Alexander pointed to the entrance of the cave calmly, saying, "Nature's call."

Before waiting for her to respond, he headed out of the cave.

He randomly chose a path, and after walking about fifty meters, he stopped.

Having left in a hurry, he was still holding on to the fruit. He held it in his mouth and reached for his phone. He pressed the on switch and stared at the screen in anticipation, and miraculously, it actually lit up. He could even get a signal! Several texts came through, producing multiple beeps.

Deep in his heart, he couldn't help scolding the phone. What kind of phone was this? It could actually turn on after being soaked in water for such a long time?

Alexander exhaled, as he thought of the woman that was still thinking of ways to contact someone, something flashed past his eyes. He hesitated slightly before tossing the phone away.

When he was out getting fruits, he realized that there were multiple traps in the forest. This meant that there was a village nearby and it was highly likely that someone would be here today to reap their gains. When they came to claim their prey, the two of them would be able to follow them back, but before that, he would be able to spend quality time with her...

Alexander strolled back into the cave leisurely. He sat back down on the log and faced Isabelle, who was still munching on the fruit. In a calm tone, he asked, "Right, before I left, what did you want to ask me?"

"Do you have your phone with you?"

Alexander replied honestly, "I do."

Surprise clouded her eyes: "Hurry and take it out, maybe it can still work. If it works, we'll be able to get help!"  

"Yea." Alexander nodded accommodatingly before raising his hand to reach into his pocket. Frowning, he reached for his other pocket. He then pulled the entire pocket out before looking back at Isabelle in despair... In a comforting tone, he tried to reassure her, "Maybe it's in the jacket."

As he spoke, he reached for the jacket at the side. He touched the pockets as Isabelle stared at him with anticipation and hope. Just then, he pulled out his wallet really slowly.

He frowned and stood up, dusting his pants slightly. He spoke next in a curious tone as though he was talking to himself. "It's weird, I remember bringing my phone with me."

Isabelle's lifted spirits were dashed in an instance, but she still helped him analyze the situation. "Maybe you dropped it when you jumped into the stream?"

Alexander nodded. With a placating expression, he agreed to her words, "Maybe..."

Just as Alexander had predicted, at about noon, an elderly and middle-aged man came into the cave. In one hand, they held hunting guns and in the other, they had a random assortment of animals.

They seemed surprised to see living humans so deep inside the deserted forest. The historical robe that Isabelle wore shocked them further. They froze, thinking that they had encountered a monster.

Alexander explained their predicament to them in detail, and only then did the two hunters seemed to calm down and regain their senses. Without hesitation, they agreed to help both Isabelle and Alexander come back to safety.

The forest road was harsh. With her leg injury, Isabelle wasn't able to tread through by herself, so Alexander carried her instead.

Even thought the elderly man had a full head of white hair and long snowy beard, his footsteps were swift and agile, with no indication of his age. But when he saw Alexander with Isabelle on his back, he slowed down significantly, even helping to support him when the path started to became harsher.

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