XXI | Should've Said It

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There was still filming the next afternoon, hence at 11.40 pm, everyone started leaving.

Isabelle had sat in Alexander's car to the interview, so when everything ended, he told her "Wait for me, I'll drive you back" and went to settle the bill.

Several others had drank too much. Isabelle helped to send some of them into cabs and made sure to see them off before turning back to the main hall of Resplendent.

Alexander was standing under a lamp in front of the counter, signing his name.

Isabelle didn't walk up to disrupt him, just stood far away, observing him. His actions were swift and decisive. He passed the counter staff his card , and when she had passed the card back to him, she said something in agitation. Alexander nodded faintly, and before she passed a book over, he took the pen once more, bending to sign his name.

After getting his signature, the counter staff used her phone to secretly snap a photo of him. He seemed to have sensed it but didn't expose her, just placed down the pen and took his card back. Turning around, he instantly saw Isabelle standing by the door and took large strides towards her.

Alexander's car was parked at the entrance of Resplendent. He pulled out his car keys and unlocked it, opening the door for Isabelle. He shut it after making sure she had entered and was seated. He entered the driver seat and glanced at the clock, it was currently 11.55 pm.

He started the car, casually turning his steering wheel. Once he exited Resplendent, he didn't speed up but instead stopped his car by the side of the road.

Isabelle frowned, turning her head in confusion. "What's wrong?"

Alexander remained silent, staring at his phone screen, and silence settled in the car. He stared at his phone from 11.59 pm to 00.00 am before suddenly retrieving a paper bag from underneath his seat. Passing it over to her, he said in a gentle voice, "Happy Birthday."

Isabelle looked at the paper bag in front of her, her brain not able to process what had happened. She sat in a daze, looking extremely adorable.

Alexander felt tenderness wash over him as he looked at her. In an even gentler voice, he spoke once again. "This should be the first time I wished you Happy Birthday."

Isabelle blinked, suddenly remembering that it was her birthday.

Every year during her birthday she would hold a party, but due to the busy filming schedule, she wasn't able to find any time. Besides, she and James were a married couple to the public, so Alexander would be required to act as him if she were to hold a party, causing a lot of trouble. When Williams family and Davis family had called to ask her about it, she dismissed them instantly, stating that she was too busy filming.

Today, when she woke up, she could still remember that the next day was her birthday, but as the day got busier, that information was completely forgotten.

When Alexander realized that Isabelle wasn't going to react, he spoke the third time. "Aren't you going to look at your present?"

Isabelle snapped out of her daze, reaching out to take the paper bag from Alexander, then impatiently tearing it apart. Inside, there was an exquisite looking gift box. As she reached for it, she turned to ask him shyly, "What is it?"

"I remember someone told me that presents must be opened without knowing the contents."

On his birthday, she had said this very thing after giving him his present.

He actually used her words on her... Isabelle pouted, her slender fingers starting to unwrap the wrapper.

Alexander saw her slight pour and tenderness washed over him. In that instance, he had an impulse to reach out and ruffle her hair.

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