Chapter 2: Josiah

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"Tell me again why we have to attend this stupid dance?" I questioned my twin Jeremiah. He sighed as he straightened his tie and smoothed out his dress shirt.

"Because our pack needs a Luna, and we need to find our mate. Not to mention Lily will not leave us alone until we go." He responds in a clipped tone.

"You and I know well enough that we are more than capable of taking care of our pack on our own. We've been doing it for the past 10 years, I'm sure we can continue on just fine." I ground out trying to keep my temper intact. We had always been too busy to go to the triannual moon dance, which was usually a time where local packs would gather with the hope that their wolves would meet their mates. I was not thrilled to be attending this year, in fact I was looking for every reason not to go.

"We may be strong but we cannot deny our pack of a Luna. And frankly, I'm getting tired of the she wolves throwing themselves at us." He fires back.

"What is so wrong with choosing our strongest female warrior? I'm sure Madison would be more than happy to become Luna." I recommend, Madison may have been the strongest female warrior but she was not of Alpha blood, while it was a disappointment, I could not have cared less. I had actually been sleeping with Madison for the past six months, unlike me Jeremiah had been saving himself for our mate. I cannot seem to understand why he would deny himself of the pleasure he could get from the so called she-wolves that threw themselves at us. I do not see why she does not qualify to be Luna. She's strong, a majority of the pack likes her, she cares for the pups, and has so far been drama free.

"My wolf and I do not like the sound of that. I want my destined mate, not some she-wolf that is after the title." He growls at me baring his teeth. I stared him down, becoming increasingly annoyed with his attitude and overbearing nature. Finding out was the last thing I was worried about at the moment. Considering the Elder council has been asking about us finding them, that was screaming nothing but trouble.

"Now let us leave before we are late. I'd hate to miss even a second of finding our mate." He strides past me smirking at me knowing that he is going to get his way, he always does with his sickly sweet personality. I ran my hands through my hair letting out a heavy sigh, this was going to be a long night.

We had arrived at the neutral grounds after a forty-five minute drive and I was pleasantly surprised to see how...dressed up everyone was. Jeremiah and I wore watching crisp white shirts and Royal blue slacks and a pair of white loafers. The only way to tell us apart was our hair, mine a rich chocolate brown, Jeremiah's pure black. His hair was completely different from his personality, he was a chipper fellow that always had a smile on his face. The entire pack loved him, and frankly, he was the reason we had so many alliances with the other surrounding packs. You could say he was the light and I, the dark, with a bad attitude and dominating wolf that wanted all to submit. Jeremiah broke me out of my thought's when he nudged my arm and gave me a stiff look.

"Do you smell that?" He questioned raising his nose into the air. His nostrils flared as he took in a deep inhale. I did the same as I took a long whiff of the air, a particular scent standing out to me, vanilla and pine.

"Mate..." My brother growled as he stalked through the crowds of people. The smell of her pulled me as I followed Jeremiah through the crowd pushing past mingling wolves and desperate females that tried to get our attention. He stopped and my eyes zeroed in on the beauty that stood at the entrance.

Her mocha skin shimmered in the moonlight, her green eyes lit up as she spoke to the wolves around her, a breathtaking smile gracing her beautiful features. One wolf wrapped his arm around her shoulder and I could not help the growl that escaped past my lips, but I was not alone seeing that my brother had made the same sound. He was dressed in white, he was an average wolf without a status easy enough to take down. We watched as our mate walked further into the party mingling and smiling. She looked confident, strong, beautiful, and absolutely breath-taking. Her figure was slim and shaped like an hourglass, wide hips, small waist, and a rather large chest. She looked absolutely stunning in her dress and by the color I could tell that she was of Alpha blood.

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