Chapter 4: Jeremiah

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I watched as that mutt stalked out of the room with my mate draped over his shoulder. I kept my grip on Josiah's shoulder tight knowing that if I released him he would be after that mutt and have his head ripped off in seconds. Turning my attention back to Alpha Parker I smiled lightly attempting to lighten the mood.

"I'm sorry about her...ever since her mother passed she's been...a mess to say the least." He explained with an exhausted sigh. I had heard his mate was killed in a rouge attack some time ago, yet he looked surprisingly healthy. Any other alpha would have descended into complete madness by now.

"I am surprised she did not inform you of our meeting." Josiah finally spoke sounding calmer than he let on. I could still feel the anger dripping off of him, then again I knew my twin well.

"I had not seen her last night. After she had left for the dance I was busy with paperwork, I had not even heard her return." He explained running his hand through his hair tiredly.

"Alpha Parker, we would like to be leaving your lands with our mate. While we would be more than willing to wait for her to come with us willingly, it appears that things may not end up that way." I spoke up. He sighed with a nod.

"Good luck at getting her, she's a tough nut to crack." He chuckled dryly.

I love a challenge. Josiah growled playfully through our mind-link. I could not agree with you more brother.

The mutt who had taken our mate sauntered back into the room without her, an uncontrolled growl left my lips.

"Where is our mate?!" I demand standing up and stalking over to the male. We came chest to chest him being only a few inches shorter than me. I let my alpha status roll off of me in waves, my wolf pushing at my mind to let him take over and discipline the male. He looked at me fearless with a bored and irritated expression on his face. Who the hell does he think he is?! I felt my patience beginning to wear thin, my fuse was becoming very short, especially when it was related to my mate.

"She's coming in now, you'll thank me later. Treat her well. Alpha or not, if you hurt her I will hurt you." He winked as he brushed past me and jogged up the stairs. Our mates scent filled the room, fresh pine and vanilla, bringing goosebumps to my arms. She looked at us with doe-like eyes glancing quickly between us as if she was too scared to say anything. It almost seemed out-of-character for her. In the short amount of time that I've known her she's always been a short little spit-fire.

"I'll give you a chance," Cassandra whispered, her eyes never leaving her clasped hands.

"But on one condition." She looked up at us with an unreadable expression. Josiah and I shared a look before looking back at her and crossing our arms. We nodded at her telling her to continue.

"When we get back to your pack I want my own room away from yours." She started looking us in the eye, challenging us, Oh darling you should never challenge an alpha.

"Not a chance cupcake." Josiah unfolded his arms striding over to Cassandra, he picked her up and threw her over his shoulder making a bee line straight towards the front door. I turned around smiling at her father, I wasn't sure if he would appreciate my brother man handling his only daughter.

"Thank you for having us Alpha Parker, but we must take our leave now we can not leave our pack alone for too long." He nodded his head in agreement and walked over extending his hand.

"Take care of my little girl, she can be a handful" He chuckled lightly as I shook his hand. After saying our goodbyes I turned and walked out the door trailing after my brother and mate.

"If you don't get your big beefy hands off of me, I swear to goddess I will rip your head off." Cassandras yelled just as I was within view to see Josiah trying to get her into the car. She was struggling against him as he tried to force her into the car. Her little arms and legs flailing around amused me, even if she looked like a toddler throwing a temper tantrum.

"Keep acting like a brat and I will take you over my knee right here for your entire pack to see." He growled lowly into her ear. Cassandra glared back at him in defiance, her eyes daring him to lay a hand on her.

"Suit yourself." He grinned as he picked her up by surprise and moved her over in the van. You are not really going to spank her are you? I linked him as I quickly slid in on the opposite side of her. Our legs touched and eleven through our clothing I could feel the sparks.

No, not now but maybe later if she keeps acting like a brat. Josiah growled playfully. I rolled my eyes as the car rolled forward leaving the red river pack lands.

I looked down at our precious mate who was still pouting with her arms crossed.

"Do you know who we are, little one." I whispered into her ear. "I am not little." she grumbled out sulking further into the seat.

"You are little to me, mate." I purred letting my hand travel to her thigh. She tensed up under my touch but the sparks were strong, sending tingles up my arm and down my spine. Her black hair sat up in a messy bun with loose curls falling against her nape. My eyes traveled down her neck to her collar bone, the place where I planned to leave my mark.

"You never answered my question." I mentioned again gripping the top of her thigh lightly continuing my slow torture on her legs.

"You're the Alpha's of the west, the stone alphas. My dad just said that duh." Cassandra responded with annoyance. She rolled her eyes at me and crossed her arms with a frown. she gasped as Josiah's hand had found her other thigh and his head was buried in her neck.

"What are our names, mate." Josiah growled lowly.

"Alpha Josiah and Alpha Jeremiah." She gasped once more as I began to trail my hand up her leg, my end goal being to feel her heat. Cassandra clenched her legs together as her arousal filled the back of the van. Suddenly the van came to a stop, we were back to our pack. Josiah practically leaped out of the van slamming the door behind him. Cassandra shivered in my arms as she tried to calm down her body.

I am going for a shower, my wolf wants to mark and mate her. Josiah linked me. He was always the hot head one between the two of us, it was no surprise that his wolf was the same way.

"Come." I motioned as I opened my door stepping out, turning back I offered my hand to a flustered Cassandra. She hesitated for a second before taking my hand and stepping out behind me. She tried to take back her hand but I kept a secure hold on it.

"Let me." I looked at her with stern eyes, I needed to be close to her to soothe my otherwise tense and aroused wolf. Members of our pack watched us with amazement and respect, each bowing their head at their new Luna. My wolf puffed his chest in pride at how beautiful and already well respected our mate was. Leading her inside I head straight to our room where I knew Josiah would be. I knew that instead of a run he would need a cold shower, that was the only way to cool him off considering the aroused state he was currently in.

"What happened to me getting my own room?" Cassandra whined as I pulled her into our bedroom.

"Not a chance." Josiah spoke up startling her as she whipped around to find him standing in the bathroom door with a towel wrapped around his waist. She blushed lightly trying to cover her eyes but failing miserably.

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